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5 hours ago, dailyhorrornews said:

Could someone tell me how to use the RocksmithXML Combiner to join songs?.

I leave the link below where I found this function.


If you're joining pre-made songs you need to unpack them with the toolkit to get the .xml files and audio. (tho idk the rules on uploading full albums made with others stuff)

Then click import and select the toolkit template for the songs (the first .xml you see in the unpacked songs folder).
When you're done add a combined title at the bottom, click combine audio, create preview and combine arrangements.
Save the project in-case anything goes wrong
Then use the combined audio and arrangement files in the toolkit to build the song.

If there's issues in-game try removing dd from the tracks first and using the "coerce to 100 phrases" option.

Ea3cCUQ.png                                                                   「愛こそすべて ,ギルティキス」                                         Gh59blB.png

Utsu-P Discography                                           Modding thread (dead)                                        1000 songs hype

1 minute ago, dailyhorrornews said:

Thanks, but my question is how can I create the executable Rocksmith Xml Combiner program?

There's a link to builds pinned in the #alpha channel of the cf discord.

Ea3cCUQ.png                                                                   「愛こそすべて ,ギルティキス」                                         Gh59blB.png

Utsu-P Discography                                           Modding thread (dead)                                        1000 songs hype

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