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Why does EOF think I have two beats per measure?


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I have a score which starts with an empty 2/2 measure, an empty 4/4 measure, and the third measure starts with a half rest. When I look at my measures in EOF, everything looks like  a 2-beat measure. is this a bug or a limitation? If a limitation, is my only recourse to redo my score with only 4/4 measures and resync? I compared with another of my songs, and it shows correct 4/4 beats.


I am using the 6-12-2019 version.





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When I import the Guitar Pro file and opt to import the time signature changes, it looks correct to me:



Make sure you're using the latest hotfix, otherwise please provide a screen shot showing what you end up with when you import the GP5 file.

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It looks like it's because the score was synced strangely in Go PlayAlong. The 4/4 time signature change is before 0 seconds, so it gets dropped from the import. I'll see if I can improve handling for this scenario, but if you apply another 4/4 time signature change at the beat where the first bass note occurs (either in the GP5 file or in EOF after import), it will work around this.

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Hmm, not quite. This is before I added the beat:




and this is after:




You'll notice that when i added the 4/4 signature the measures became shorter and it messed up my sync. It looks like I may have to restart.


What I'm trying to do: Add those clicks before the song starts so players know when the song begins. Maybe I did it wrong, I don't know. :(


This is the first time I've has so much trouble with a song.



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You will probably have to use "Beat>Time Signature>Convert" since the denominator is being changed and you don't want beat lengths to change. The only reason this happened is because the 4/4 time signature was defined before 0 seconds and was omitted by EOF during import.

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I tried the time signature change, but it doesn't do what I want. I tried reexporting the song while changing the first three measures to 2/2 and at the third measure make it 4/4 but I still don't get the beat on every note. I still get it every two notes.


So it's OK, I'll wait until you're able to release the next patch and try again then.





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