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GP7 (.gp) Format research


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  • Administrator

So i wanted to dig a bit into gp format to see how far the research into the latest format have gone and i found some very interesting information and i would love to get some feedback around what i dig up so far.


Here is all i could find regarding the structure of the internal files for the gp format.




What surprised me the most is that nothing seems to be really hidden behind anything weird and i was easily able to read and compare what i see in GP7 and what was in the score.gpif which seems to holds all the information needed.


There's still some amount of information to dig up which shouldn't be too hard after i make a proper simple file to see if everything does work as i think it should.

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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  • Administrator

I can think of a few things that would make the GP7 format more interesting especially since from what i gather it holds information like tone change, BPM and such that could greatly improve the import result.


I still have to dig a lot into the formating but i got the bulk of it so far and if i can come up with at least a proper method/algorithm, i could even begin to tackle some coding if that would help you.

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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  • Administrator

I wasn't able to find any proper information regarding GPX format or how to read it in actual word.


GP7 format though is easily readable. The .gp extension is acting like a .zip package and you get a score.gpif which is using xml formatting which does contain anything that seems to be needed for EOF.


All of this make it seems more approachable to me which is why i think i could spend some time digging into it if that could help you.


Here's a quick list of what i think it would be worth it :

Pick scrap notation

Left hand tapping

Tone change

Chord naming

Tap Harmonic


I also seen people ask for lyric import from GP and this would be a good occasion to see how doable it is.


Tempo is something i could find to be interesting on the first import, not sure if it's worth the effort but i do think it can be worth investigating.


Obviously, at the moment i'm not expecting you to put in time into it. I just found information that allowed me to start digging so i want to see if you feel interested enough so that i can judge how much time i put into it myself.


And this post is also an invitation to whomever else might be interested to see this to maybe help or even simply share their interest.

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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