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anyone into hardcore/punk music, particulary some of the newer stuff


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Anyone been listening to hardcore music lately?


Cause in the early mid 2010's it started to get good again with bands like Hank Wood & the Hammerheads with their punk country street music insanity, and other NYC bands like Murderer, Crazy Spirit, Dawn of Humans, and bands from random parts of the country like Bad Noids from Ohio and Lumpy and the dumpers from somewhere I forget.  Toxic State/Katorga works have been putting a lot of this stuff out.


I've learned a few of the songs by these bands and put them on UG but I don't think It'd be worth it to CDLC em when a lot of them are just chords.


Here are some tunes

Hank Wood - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtFTLoufKtg

Bad noids -


I also made a group if anyone is interested - http://customsforge.com/groups/20-hardcore-punk/


There are some of the older school hardcore songs on here which is cool, but basically anyone else into punk rock.

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shcaer man, ruiner are not really my thing they sound like the kinda 2000's HC that I could never get into, still cool tho


snow, interesting list I've never seen Gun Clubs Fire of Love on top of a punk album chart before, great album


Yago, those bands were hella thrashy, a bit too much for me thanks for the rec tho

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