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FIRST, thanks for any help!!!!!


I'm a totally fresh guy for RS~~



macOS 10.12

RS2014 Remastered(Steam)


I followed these instructions : http://customsforge.com/topic/33838-rsinjector-not-loading-just-crashes/page-3?do=findComment&comment=236219


Run the "RUN_PATCH_RS.command"
Launch Rocksmith 2014 Remastered via steam

and, I put some cdlc(like: girigirichop_m.psarc) into this path:

/Users/XXX/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/dlc/


and launch RS, but these is not working, I can't find out the cdlc about that song~~


BUT BUT BUT later, i saw these posts




I totally confused...


Now, I have some questions:

1. Use Custom DLC (cDLC) on Mac, which instructions I must be follow?

2. I follow the topic/33838, Am i need to OWN Cherub Rock?

3. or what's the steps for all?


LAST, I'm not good at English~~thanks for any help again!!!





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And, I run  the "RUN_PATCH_RS.command":


-bash-3.2$ /Users/XXXX/Downloads/MAC_Patch/RUN_PATCH_RS.command ; exit;

Binary already contains a load command for that dylib. Continue anyway? [y/n] 


what is this mean?

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