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Slide after sustain (GP tie note)


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Is it possible to author a slide after a sustain in EOF using GP tie notes?


I have this Guitar Pro tab:


As shown in the notation, I want to sustain the double stop 5xx6

for a sixteenth, then slide to 12xx13 during the course of an eighth, play that double stop, then sustain again. It's a 'Shift Slide', not a 'Legato Slide'.


However, when I import the tab into EOF, I get this:


As you can see, EOF seems to have read the tie notes as actual played notes, which I don't want.


Could anyone help out? This issue has been bothering me for quite some time. Thanks.

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What happens for the second slide (5/12) seems to be close to what you want. The "linknext" (Shift+N) status on the first 5 means that the second 5 won't have a notehead and the sustain tails will smoothly join. If the 12 is meant to be picked again (not sure if it is or not based on the waveform), then you don't want a linknext on the note with the actual slide (as it is at the moment), but in other cases you might want a linknext there as well.


Similarly for the slide down, linknext on the first double stop should do it.

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