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Everything posted by Fusionpolis

  1. Okay, I'll do that, but is there any explanation as to why it shows the 2nd time? Since everything is the same. I tabbed 12B to give it that subtle arpeggio sound, and I think that's the way the artist plays it. Though the player could definitely play it as 16G if they prefer.
  2. I'm making a CDLC and a certain note/double stop is giving me a problem. Here is the tab, with the offending notes circled: http://i.imgur.com/19fNKUE.png The problem is the plucked note on the 16th fret, 1st string. I have this exact phrase 3 times in my chart, but in-game, it strangely only shows the 2nd time. In the 1st and 3rd times, the note head doesn't show. This picture should show what I mean: http://i.imgur.com/emeyP79.jpg On the top is the 1st time. The note head is clearly missing, but the RR missed note exclamation mark is there. The bottom shows the 2nd time, with the note correctly displayed. I checked the .xml file and the notes all seem to be the same: <note time="193.181" linkNext="1" accent="0" bend="0" fret="15" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="16" string="3" sustain="0.211" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" /> <note time="193.392" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="16" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="3" sustain="0" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" /> <note time="193.392" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="16" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="5" sustain="0" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" /> <note time="199.942" linkNext="1" accent="0" bend="0" fret="15" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="16" string="3" sustain="0.211" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" /> <note time="200.153" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="16" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="3" sustain="0" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" /> <note time="200.153" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="16" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="5" sustain="0" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" /> <note time="206.702" linkNext="1" accent="0" bend="0" fret="15" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="16" string="3" sustain="0.211" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" /> <note time="206.913" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="16" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="3" sustain="0" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" /> <note time="206.913" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="16" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="5" sustain="0" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" /> What could I be missing?
  3. Scratch that, I just tested it in RS and it's exactly what I want; I just updated my EOF and I didn't know it could do that now. Well, lesson learned: always test in RS before posting! Thanks for the heads up about 'linknext'.
  4. Actually, it maybe you could listen to the song itself? It'd probably be faster: it's the bassline from 'Magic' by Coldplay, and the bass is clear at the beginning of the song. The riff is just a few seconds long. https://youtu.be/Qtb11P1FWnc?t=29s Thanks again for your help.
  5. Oh, is that what the arrow beside the /12 means? I'll try it in RS and see if it fits.
  6. Is it possible to author a slide after a sustain in EOF using GP tie notes? I have this Guitar Pro tab: http://i.imgur.com/HWW9w4i.png As shown in the notation, I want to sustain the double stop 5xx6 for a sixteenth, then slide to 12xx13 during the course of an eighth, play that double stop, then sustain again. It's a 'Shift Slide', not a 'Legato Slide'. However, when I import the tab into EOF, I get this: http://i.imgur.com/jIM0qlm.png As you can see, EOF seems to have read the tie notes as actual played notes, which I don't want. Could anyone help out? This issue has been bothering me for quite some time. Thanks.
  7. Good choice! Knowing fingerstyle opens up a world of possibilities. This UG lesson has some useful tips to start out with. As for songs, you could check out Spanish Romance. Start out slowly first, then get the basic plucking pattern down - it's the same throughout the whole piece. Then you could focus on emphasizing the melody (top) notes. After that, you could try Nothing Else Matters by Metallica, which has a more complicated plucking hand work. Good luck!
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