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Mediafire support



I have talked to mediafire support twice and they keep telling me that there is nothing wrong with their website. First they said the looping problem was caused by cache failures and could be cleared by dumping, then they said it was an issue with cookies. I told them I tried IE, FF and chrome and they basically told me that it must be something in my computer. Right clicking save as doesn't do it. Holding up my left leg doesn't work, any other ideas?

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It would be helpful if we knew what you were trying to do. You never really mentioned that...

Assuming you're having trouble downloading a CDLC from mediafire, both of the things they mentioned are possible causes - so they're not necessarily wrong. Have you actually tried clearing your browser cache and/or cleaning up your cookies?

Also, do you have trouble downloading other files from mediafire, or just the one?

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Sorry, yes I am trying to download CDLC from media fire. I can download everything else off of ignition unless it is uploaded to media fire. I press the green download and it loops back to the start (after sending me another ad). And yes, I have cleared cache and dumped cookies. As a matter of fact, I set my browser to do so automatically. I have also tried all three browsers when they told me to do that. I do not know what else to do.

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