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(^>v) Fun little Game ~^=…=^~



Hey Guys,


I remember a Game from old forums. You can write down anything. No restriction at all.


This game works like this

1. There are 3 Symbols to play this game ^ > v (up, right, down)

2. ^ (Up) stands for: Answering the Persons Question above or denie his opinion. Depending on what he/she wrote down.

3. > (Right) stands for: what you're actually up to or have to do. Anything what you want to write down which has to do with your person

4. v (Down) stands for: Fortune telling. Try to guess what the Person below your Post could be up to.


Example: 1st Person

^ (Skips the first one)

> My Dog can dive but he never showed up again

v "That" guy will ruin my Score


2nd Person

^ Nope nope nope.. I failed

> Aaaah damnit one of my Strings slapped me in my face.. That really hurts

v He'll find 1 Million € in his backyard


And so on... So there you have it. Write down whatever you want. Go crazy if you feel like it [emoji48] [emoji56] [emoji85]

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