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Producing lyrics on a Mac



I'm trying to learn how to make CDLCs... and have hit a snag when the tutorials tell me how to insert lyrics / vocal parts.  They say that I should use Ultrastar Creator, but that seems to me a Windows program only and I'm using a Mac.  Is there a Mac version or an alternative?

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You can use Ultrastar Creator with Wine but I actually prefer working with Aegisub. It's a subtitle software that can export srt which is supported by EoF, although it only imports lyric lines, so you still have to split up the lines into words and position them manually. This might not be ideal for someone just starting out and it depends on how much work you want to invest into making lyrics. Many charters just straight out use the imported files from Ultrastar Creator but I was never satisfied with the results of those, so I always fixed the lyrics manually afterwards and that was about as much work as it is with Aegisub. It can take up to an hour or two if you want to make it look good.

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