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Mean Bitch gets to the screen with the fretboard and doesn,t do anything from there.

Song doesn,t start...i have to exit out of the game and start it again to get to other songs.

Only happens on "Mean Bitch"..

verified game files and that didn,t fix it..

Any help on this??


11 answers to this question

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If you're talking about the Taddy Porter song, it's an official DLC.  If you purchased it, the file could have possibly gotten corrupted, but it's more likely (if you did purchase it) that there's a conflict with another song.  Try removing any other custom with "bitch" (or maybe "mean") in the title and see if that fixes it.


If you pirated the song, you won't be able to get any help from here.

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It,s an official song.. Don,t think i have any other songs with" mean,or bitch" in them..

I tried finding the file but can,t locate where it is... Definately not in the DLC folder..

I know it worked before ...

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I dl,ed a bunch of songs on here and added them to RS14...Went to play them and a bunch of them did the same as "mean bitch" is doing now...I went one by one and took them out of the DLC folder (the ones that wouldn,t play)...Mean Bitch worked though..

So i started adding songs back in and would check to make sure they worked..(that,s why i asked other question about RS toolkit ),,,thought maybe i converted the songs to the wrong platform..

Just verifed files and said one needs to be re-acquired...

maybe one of those corrupted mean bitch,,,but it is not listed in DLC folder????


when i open up rs toolkit, click converter....target says XBOX360  and source says PC..never really paid attention to this before..

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If you're a PC user you shouldn't have to convert anything, since all customs from here are natively for PC.


However, the source/target you listed is the regular default settings for the toolkit.


I just did a check in my game though, and Mean Bitch is a RS1 song.  That's why you can't find it in your dlc folder.  Did you buy RS1 and the import tool?


If so, one of the files related to RS1 may be the file that Steam said is corrupted.

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Yeah, i just checked that..Mean Bitch was in RS1 and was imported into RS14 when i got the import tool..just verified original RS files and all were ok... Maybe i,m thinking it worked in the original RS ,,but not when imported into RS 14...gonna try it in original RS

are u able to run import tool somehow???? or does it run automatically??

I,m thinking of buying a Judas priest song pack for RS and wondering if it will be automatically imported to rs2014???


Something must have happened when songs were transfered to 2014

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There's nothing to run for the import tool.  It basically just gives you the licenses for the on-disc songs, which are already part of the RS2014 game (sort of).  It's possible that that one file got corrupted somehow, but Steam should have fixed it for you when you verified the files.


Any RS1 dlc is automatically forward-compatible with RS2014.  The only caveat is that you have to own RS1 to purchase them through Steam, which obviously won't affect you since you already own it.

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ok, i bought the Judas Priest 3 songpack (via steam) for the original RS,,,checked and they were all in there..

went to RS 14 and checked song list...All 3 songs were in there also..Tried mean bitch in RS 14 and now it works!!!!

verified files in both RS and RS14 ...wierd thing is i verified files in RS 14 before, when Mean Bitch didn,t work,,and it still didn,t work..

i bought the JP songpack to see if the import tool was working right..


I had a problem when i first bought the import tool.....None of RS songs appeared in RS14...Contacted Ubisoft support and they

said i had the RS14 game installed incorrectly...I had it on an external HD...Ubi said install it in default folder as it wouldn,t work correctly where it was...did what they said and the RS songs showed up,,,although Mean Bitch wouldn,t work ... I,d just bypass it to other songs so RS14 wouldn,t freeze...finally got tired of it not working!!!!

Thanks for helping!!!!

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