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Beat Mapping and GP



I'm just starting to make CDLC, and one thing I can't seem to figure out is how to make your notes snap to the pre mapped tempo....if It even does that.


for example, I mapped out the tempo for the whole song, which is one where it ends faster than it started and I figured that would fix the GP tabs. NOPE. any solutions? or am I going to have to start from square one.


here's the song:

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This is the tricky part about beat mapping and then importing, there aren't necessarily the same number of lead-in measures and so on. You could try moving the first beat marker to position the first note correctly, and all other beats and notes will move accordingly.


Otherwise you may have to move several measures' worth of notes forward or backward. Clicking and dragging notes won't keep them grid snapped across tempo changes, so people usually select the notes, copy them to the clipboard, delete them, seek (especially using the seek by grid snap and seek by beat functions) to where the first copied note should go and paste the notes.

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