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Help please



First off I am playing on the PC. I noticed that pretty much every time I log in and out of Rocksmith it doesn't save my mastery %'s on any song I play. For example let's say I get like 50% on a song then I shut the game off and and come back to the game at a later time. The mastery % will say 0% instead of 50%. The game saves all of the progress I've made in the song so I don't have to start back over with an unleveled song but still. I would like to see how much better I get at the songs as I play them and I can't always remember how much % I got on it. Does anyone know how to fix this??

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Can you give an example of a custom that does this? I have a few in my collection that don't retain the number of play through a or % reached and suspect it may have something to do with the version of the toolkit that was used at the time to create them.

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I'm not sure how your shutting down the game but. Back up until you get to the screen where you select learn a song and session mode. Then hit escape. it will say do you want to quit, hit yes. It will then take you to the original start screen. Hit escape again and confirm you want to quit. Then let steam sync before you shut down the computer. I also think this has something to do with the save file corruption issues. But can't confirm. I have been shutting down as stated above since day 1 with 2014 and have none of the issues people complain of.

 I'm Allergic To Stupidity. I Break Out In Sarcasm.

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Hmmm. That's a good question. When you end a song do you let it finish the Rocksmith is thinking thing ? At this point I'm curious as to what is going on so I'm trying to narrow it down. The only other thing I can think of is to verify local files through steam,, but I don't think that will help in this case.

 I'm Allergic To Stupidity. I Break Out In Sarcasm.

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Um. If you're playing multiplayer on her profile. Then it won't save the song progress onto your profile. I've never played multiplayer. Do you sign into both profiles? Meaning, are there two profiles active during multiplayer? Seriously, I've never used it so I don't know.

 I'm Allergic To Stupidity. I Break Out In Sarcasm.

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Yep. I sign into my profile and she signs into hers. It'll save everything I do and keep it saved that way no problem but for her it keeps resetting her mastery %'s back to 0% every time on both custom songs and official songs. It also does it when she plays by herself too. It does save her progress meaning all of the sections she's leveled up are still at the same levels but it just won't save her mastery % on the overall song.

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