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  1. Welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship! -= Week 588 =- => How and Why join the Championships? => Rocksmith 2014 Championships rules Previous' week Winners are: Lead: - Beginner: @lowender (95) - Beginner Bonus: LOST TROPHY - Intermediate: @Satinuke (96) - Advanced: @Mikson (94.86) - Masterclass: @RaZrShReD (95.77) Rhythm: - Beginner: @drand (97) - Beginner Bonus: @drand (99) - Intermediate: @Vodka (98.13) - Advanced: @craxed (99) - Masterclass: @RaZrShReD (97.4) Bass: - Beginner: LOST TROPHY - Beginner Bonus: LOST TROPHY - Intermediate: @loudly (97) - Advanced: @Hyphema (98.52) - Masterclass: @pedropmf (95) Congrats to all winners. Well done! This week's songs are: Lead Path: Beginner: Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (4^) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate51 Beginner Bonus: Arctic Monkeys - R U Mine? (3*) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate51 [ capo 327] Intermediate: Slipknot - Before I Forget (5*) (C# Drop B) selected by cacahuate51 Intermediate Bonus: Foo Fighters - Everlong (4.5) (Drop D) selected by cacahuate51 Advanced: The Sword - Freya (6.5) (C Standard) selected by cacahuate51 Advanced Bonus: Tool - Schism (6) (Drop D) selected by cacahuate51 [capo week 348] Masterclass: An Endless Sporadic - Impulse (E Standard Version) (9*) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate51 God of Guitar: Freezepop - Less Talk More Rokk (9.5) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate51 [Week 1 of 2] [1] Rhythm Path: Beginner: Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (3.5^) (E Standard) selected by caca Beginner Bonus: Arctic Monkeys - R U Mine? (3*) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate41 [moved to bonus cause doesnt appear in new 2014 learn and play, capo week 254 and 327] Intermediate: Slipknot - Before I Forget (5*) (C# Drop B) selected by cacahuate41 Intermediate Bonus: Foo Fighters - Everlong (4.5) (Drop D) selected by cacahuate41 Advanced: Tool - Schism (6) (Drop D) selected by cacahuate41 Advanced Bonus: The Sword - Freya (6.5) (C Standard) selected by cacahuate41 Masterclass: An Endless Sporadic - Impulse (E Standard Version) (9*) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate41 (ALT LEAD PATH!!!) Bass Path: NEW Beginner: Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz (3*) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate41 [capo 504 added since everlong is not playable for everyone] Beginner Bonus: Foo Fighters - Everlong(3*) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate51 Intermediate: Slipknot - Before I Forget (5*) (C# Drop B) selected by cacahuate41 Intermediate Bonus:Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (4) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate41 Advanced: Tool - Schism (7*) (Drop D) selected by cacahuate41 Advanced Bonus: The Sword - Freya (6) (C Standard) selected by cacahuate41 Masterclass: An Endless Sporadic - Impulse (E Standard Version) (9*) (Drop D) selected by cacahuate41 God of Bass: Freezepop - Less Talk More Rokk (8.5) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate51 [Week 1 of 2] [1] (N) - difficulty rating (N*) - highest difficulty rating for the class (promotion to higher class possible) (N^) - difficulty rating higher than the highest for the class (promotion possible) Check current week Rocksmith Championship Leaderboard You can submit your song suggestions for the championship here NEW! - easly add songs even on your mobile!: Add Song Suggestion Song Suggestions List available to view here: Google Sheets Spreadsheet Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10). Do you want to host a week? Join the Championship organizing team!!! The process is smooth and there is a tutorial as well. If you are interested, send a personal message to Rodman.
  2. Hi friends, I have created a tool in python to enable and disable custom DLC in the game to reduce load times. Visit the github page: https://github.com/AdrianOsborne/Rocksmith-Custom-Song-Manager/tree/main All instructions on how to use the tool will be in the README on that page. The tool allows you to: Enable & disable individual songs. Bulk enable & disable songs. Search for specific songs (based on file names). Enable a random selection of songs.
  3. Hello, I apologise if something similar already exists and if this is not the correct place to post this. I have written this extremely simple console-line application for Windows that will automatically switch Exclusive Mode in your Rocksmith 2014 settings to on or off. This was meant for streamers (like me) so that they can allow streaming and then get latency-free input when they're done. It doesn't need installing: you just double click on the program and you're done. The repository is here: https://github.com/Rhystic1/Rocksmith2014_ToggleExclusiveMode For now the program will only work if you have installed Rocksmith 2014 in its default location. I will soon implement a failsafe, but it's late night and I need to get some sleep! Any comment or contribution is very appreciated :)
  4. Hi all, Had some trouble repairing a CDLC, when I tried to repair it I got "Maximum playable arrangement limit exceeded." I have redownloaded the CDLC to make sure I've the latest version and I know I now have to go and repair it with the max 5 settings but I haven't used this part of the repair tool before so I'm not sure what options to select to get the result I want. Any tips on using this function?
  5. Let me preface this, I have really, really nice tabs, not from ultimate-guitar. I really love them and I enjoy playing along. But to have it in Rocksmith, with the tones, would be fucking incredible. Can anyone do this quick? I'd be willing to share the tabs if it could be completed quickly and shared on the Ignition so that everyone can love it. Please!
  6. God,i have so many problems with CDLC making now....What can be the problem guys? http://oi65.tinypic.com/b64h20.jpg
  7. In the new version of DD(2.8) when i put them into the XML.files and play in Rocksmith,the intro part is competly missing(not the whole intro just the first part of it)I Don't know how should i update if there's a new version XD I even updated the Toolkit itself,but the problem is still.
  8. So i made a nother CDLC as usual and i wanted to creat DD,but when i hit generate button,this error apper.Can somone help me? Even i cant import the guitar part wich has no DD on it. WTF!?!?!? http://oi64.tinypic.com/1zf4ot0.jpg
  9. I'm not sure if this was already mentioned here, but there's a free little app that you can use to figure out the tuning frequency (438, 440, 442...whatever) of a song. Technically it's a demo of the tONaRT library, which the company is licensing to pro audio software manufacturers, but it serves our purposes just fine. You can download it here: http://www.zplane.de/index.php?page=description-tonart ("download demo" button in the top right corner). The song you wish to analyze has to be in .wav format. You simply drag&drop it onto the app's window, and the app will show you the song's key, and tuning frequency. Have fun, PhamNuwen
  10. Hi, I was looking for a tool to help organize dlc. I looked into Dreddfoxx's tool, but didn't seem to work with psarc files. Other options? Ideally something that creates a database of rocksmith meta-info like Dreddfoxx's tool does. Also, with larger dlc libraries it'd be nice to be able to load songs selectively. If something like this doesn't currently exist I might take a crack at creating one.
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