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Found 18 results

  1. I was wondering if one of you knows any way to play Rocksmith 2014 in Ultrawide (21:9) in Fullscreen without the black Pillar Boxes left and right.
  2. I come from the Rock Band modding community and am mostly used to using REAPER for all of my charting. I find EOFs UI to be archaic and difficult to work with, especially since I can't place notes by using the right mouse button (which is the default on literally any other MIDI editing software). Not to mention that the documentation that comes with EOF is very vague at what exactly to do when creating songs for Rocksmith. I know this all sounds kind of nitpicky, but it's genuinely unpleasant to use the program for any length of time for me.
  3. Is there a way to make the game stop trying to make me tune to E standard? I have my guitar in D standard and I can't play the Guitarcade games or Session Mode without doing some annoying workaround because it exclusively expects me to tune to E. And no, uptuning my guitar is not an option for me. So, is it possible to change the default tuning?
  4. RS audio disappears from my headphones during the loading splash screens - when I alt-tab and switch my audio to my headphones directly (instead of via my Elgato mixer) it returns. It happens at that EXACT SPOT - the little Rockstar logo - every time. My boss is potentially having the same issue and while his is more critical than mine, if I can get mine fixed, I can hopefully get his fixed. Full video of mine here: Any ideas??
  5. Heyo! Just today I was able to successfully import a .gp5 file into EoF and get the Drums working perfectly. However, after I finished one song, I moved onto the second song I wanted to work on where I ran into this recurring problem. For whatever reason, now whenever I import ANY type of content, there is a vertical red bar that shows up on Bar two which automatically stops the track from playing further. I tried testing in Phase Shift, and the song just loops the first bar over and over. In the Editor, you can edit beyond that point, but you cannot play the track or hear any audio. The crazy thing is that since this started happening, it happens everywhere no matter what. I can't even go back and edit my old track. I just tried reinstalling, and that didn't fix it. I even installed it on a brand new hard drive. Please help!!! I am going to throw my PC out the window again. Best, Levy
  6. Hey there everyone, :) I have picked up Rocksmith 2014 almost two years, and since day one it got me frustrated but i kept myself trying to push to play guitar but it never got along. The problem i see is with the song collection in Rocksmith 2014 it seems that it goes from simple powerchords songs to complex songs in no time. And im still a beginner and dont know how to play guitar. The motivation is there but not the knowlegde. I love to listen to Hard rock and Metal and just want to learn the songs that my favorite bands play. My question is, Is there any like list of songs that start out for beginners and gradully get more complex, like a learning guide ? I fonund a list on Justin Guitar.com, but i wanted to check out if anyone here can give me help. Or am I working the wrong way with Rocksmith 2014? Thank you all for the help already in advanced :(
  7. How can i make sustains like this in guitar pro ? Some of the chords don't have sustain as it should be. http://oi64.tinypic.com/29e0iu9.jpg
  8. Just curios, What was your first solo? c:Mine was in Nirvana // Smells like teen spirit xD
  9. Hopefully this is the right place to post this. Recently I've been working on charting a song that's in drop D. There's three different guitarists, the latter of the which shows up for a solo in the end. I've been working on putting the "main" parts of each of the guitars all into one tab so that people playing will get the full experience of all of the solos. However, in the last solo, he's tuned in Eb Standard. Is there some way I can change the tab around, or change some sort of settings in EoF to help adapt for this? I admittedly don't know that much about guitars, or tuning for that matter, so I apologize in advance if it's a dumb question. I also have GP6 if there's anything I can do in there to fix this problem.
  10. FNG here, really enjoying the site - it has added to my enjoyment of RS and learning already. I couldn't find an answer to this question. What is the purpose of non-DD songs? I see many comments saying they 'prefer non-DD' or offering both options. I understand that playing slow at 100% is really useful for learning, but I also like the DD option for learning new techniques/songs. What is the point of having non-DD? Doesn't a DD song include everything the non-DD does and then some? I can see if adding it is difficult, but why offer non or both versions - is there an advantage to the non-DD versions I am missing? PC user if that makes a difference. Thanks in advance, I just want to make sure I am not missing something here that could be useful.
  11. I don't know how to do this 3.Also i'm not so sure about the bends part.Is this possible to make it or the picture that contains the bends in guitar pro is the same?And what can i do with the toggle manipulation part to look decent? (one picture shows in pg5 the legato slide part and the toggle manipulation) http://oi67.tinypic.com/w7cz92.jpg http://oi63.tinypic.com/aadmdx.jpghttp://oi67.tinypic.com/zt6o82.jpghttp://oi65.tinypic.com/t5oepj.jpg
  12. Alright, i guess that you have enough of me :D But i don't know how to do this bend in Guitar Pro.Can anyone help? http://oi68.tinypic.com/k1xna8.jpg
  13. So i wonder how can i make decent arpeggio mark in EOF,because i don't know how to mark the purple version or the light mark.Can any one help me? http://www.guitarworld.com/files/imagecache/futureus_imagegallery_fullsize/gallery/CemeteryGates3.jpg
  14. As an example: (4:00-end) What techniques does he use, for the alien type sound etc. I've been playing for almost 2 years starting march, i feel like i should know this lol. His style is my favorite and i really want to play like him.
  15. es que quelqu un aurait des dlc du groupe soja ?
  16. con2000

    Just Asking

    I've only made a couple cdlc's, But when I use the toolkit I always Generate PC Only. Because I don't own a mac, ps3, or xbox 360. But:Should I generate them anyway? Even If I cannot support them? I still feel bad for the people on consoles
  17. Hi! Just a question about the rocksmith import key. Will the songs from rocksmith 1 get imported to rocksmith 2014 if i download rocksmith 1? I have the import key already but I don't have rocksmith 1.
  18. Hey everybody. I have only been playing for 2 months but, being a gadget guy and loving to get new stuff, I keep finding guitars to drool over. My latest obsession: PRS guitars. I went to a GC yesterday to get some lemon oil for my 1st ever restringing of a guitar (my Gibson SGJ), and while I was there, I played 2 S2 Custom 24's, a S2 Mira, a SE Santana, and a used SE Custom 22. Of those, the 22 felt the best to me for playing, the Mira was the best to hold (so light! so nice!), and the 24 is the most beautiful. My question is this: I have been reading online to try to find differences between the SE and S2 series, and I only seem to be able to find comparisons between the S2 and Core series. I know that the S2's are made in Maryland and the SE's are made in Korea, but what are the other differences? What other features does the S2 series have over the SE's to justify the $500 price difference? On a seperate note: the used SE Custom 22 had a flattop, which really put me off for some reason. I thought all PRS Custom guitars had a maple cap (or a not flattop)? Could someone clarify that for me? Because if that is the norm, then maybe I will get it!
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