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Found 6 results

  1. Does rocksmith only support 4 tone changes in one arrangement or that's just EOF or RS Toolkit's stuff?
  2. I'm working on a song that has 4 guitar parts and one bass. The problem is, in EOF has only 4 arrangement part that I can use but I need one more! I need a part for lead,bonus lead,rhythm,bonus rhythm and bass. What can I do in this situation?
  3. i keep getting this error when attempting to add an arrangement xml ive just made. http://i.imgur.com/XOATrS8.png?1?2867 i have no idea whats wrong. my best guess is possibly an issue with the gp import? i made this with the versions of eof and the toolkit ive been using so updating either should not have been an issue. doesnt happen with other xml's i have. EEdit: can this be moved to the EoF area. i just tried loading the xml as a rocksmith import and none of the notes actually show up in eof so im pretty sure the problem is entirely an EoF error
  4. Hi, I'm trying to make CDLC for RS 2014 and I have found theese problems so far. I searched for a solution in the forums but I haven't found anything. 1. I don't get an .xml archive for the vocals when I save my Eof project. I get this error message: http://s22.postimg.org/5nh4ysg7l/lyric_export.jpg 2. When i put my bass line (part real_bass or part real_bass_22, i tried both) it says it's not valid for RS 2014. It works if I make the DLC for RS 2012 : http://s28.postimg.org/wgtntk3dp/Valid_arrangement.jpg 3. I tried to "fool" the Tool Kit by uploading the bass for RS2012 and then change the dlc to make it for RS2014, but then I got this other problem and then it crashes. I followed the tutorial to get the .wem, so that shouldnt be the problem http://s27.postimg.org/9ds29ozeb/wem_not_found.png I hope you can help me, especially with the second problem because i think that's the main reason I cant get my cdlc to work
  5. Hey I'm trying to make my first cdlc but I'm abit stuck.When I tried to import my arrangement xml file, I noticed there wasn't any and saw that my "Real guitar files" weren't Xml but just an ordinary .eof fileAll help is welcome.
  6. Hi, What does exactly do the combo arrangement in RS2014? I tried with one songs and it seems to do the same as the rhythm one. Is there any document explaining what every option in the Toolkit means? The help links to rscustom.net, but there I just found a 'quick guide', not explaining all the options. Thanks!
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