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JazzD last won the day on January 16 2015

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About JazzD

  • Birthday 01/25/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Spain (currently in France)
  • Interests
    All of them
  • Guitar
    a shitty one
  • Bass
    a cool one

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  1. Happy Birthday JazzD!

  2. Happy Birthday JazzD!

  3. @@coldrampage That may be just the thing I was looking for, thanks! I'll give it a go this weekend and see how it goes.
  4. Hi guys, long time no see. Lately I've been introducing some friends to RS so we can play together when we hang out. We were only two musicians at the begining but most of the crew started getting into it so now we take turns while the other drink and sing as if it were some karaoke. I was wondering if it were possible to sync two computers so we get to play four at a time. It would be nice to have some sort of mod that let you control both computers to start at the exact same time, and this could be extended to other games such as DTXMania or FoF to include the so long requested drums (or keyboards). In the meantime I think I'll get the second computer muted and divide the guitar signal to send it to an amp, but still I think is an idea worth sharing that could have potential, so what's your thoughts? Cheers
  5. Alternatively EOF > Track > Pro Guitar > Set Capo
  6. Hey guys, I just got this idea, how about suscribing to certain charters and get notifications when they upload new content or upgrade the old one? (I know that we an follow songs in Ignition, but still) Almost every charter goes for some kind of music styles or bands so it would be nice to be able to follow those that you like, so you get notifications instead of going through all the search page. I dont know about you, but I probably have missed some nice songs that I could like because they were between loads of C# and B standard metal stuff. What do you think?
  7. WTF? I'm serously the fourth biggest song shitposter!? Didnt expect that I'd also like to thank all the Donators, who are the ones who truly (literally) keep this site alive. And also to our staff and developers, who make all this possible! And to all my fellow charters, what matters is quality, not quantity, let's keep bringing good shit =)
  8. @@manolitooo Aquí tienes todo lo que llevo subido =) http://search.customsforge.com/?u=JazzD
  9. @@zerkz They are really cool, I'd love to tab them myself but I'm sorry I can't get it done fast enough. Their videos are awesome XD
  10. @@streifig I'll start working on it right away =D In the part with 4 guitar, which one do you guys prefer for the lead? @@jmr Could we get the ftm or something to get a bass line? @@Xstatic http://gamebreakingnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/20292-thumb.jpg
  11. @@streifig Cool, I'll update my chart right away Edit: Done, I uploaded it to the main post. I was'nt too far-fetched when tabbing the first version, but yours make much more sense.
  12. @@jmr @@streifig I just finished a beta version of the song. I'm uploading it to YT. Please tell me your opinions
  13. @@streifig If you have some gp files already done I can start working on those songs, it makes the job really easy so I could pull a lot of songs in a moment =) BTW, any of you two have RS in your computer? Should I post a gameplay of your songs in youtube so you can see them?
  14. Wow, this shit is complicated as fuck, what have I got myself into >_> JK, it's actually kinda intuitive. I can get a Bass and Rhythm guitar out of this by tomorrow night. I'll ask you if I need help =)
  15. @@Pepetazo Justo ahora me había bajado una tab de standby de extremoduro. Tengo pensado sacar un pack de rock español dentro de unas semanas con Marea, Sober, Extremoduro, Platero y Fito. Si estás interesado también te puedo enseñar a hacer CDLC, y me ahorras el trabajo XD
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