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Found 18 results

  1. I have multiple slide down notes that aren't working. I have notes connected with "Linknext", selected as "Slide Down", and even set the end fret (ctr + shift + L) and the slides still aren't working. I have slide lines highlighted with purple that are working but the slides that aren't working have a black line instead of purple. Any ideas? https://www.dropbox.com/s/o41oslvei0v92au/slidesOnPurpleOffBlack.png?dl=1
  2. I know I had a similiar topic before,but I didn't discuised this type of problems earlier. Basicly what the problem is that 2 of the chords in my chart has "Sustain" enabled,but the highlited part under the chord is not as long as the chord itself. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2dAm5utc-Vca0ZQdF9DaGc4Zmc The other problem is that some of the chords are not highlited as the other ones and they have "HS" statue on them. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2dAm5utc-VcX2Q5eXdjOElXenM I can't realy do anything to solve any of these 2 :(
  3. I know that in a normal situation I have to change something on the sections or in the handshapes but in this case it makes no sense at all. Correct me if'm wrong but I can't find any problem with this HS in the Last section of the song. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2dAm5utc-VcTHhpVkdrME5RUTg project: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2dAm5utc-VcaGptcTg5VlFxTDA
  4. I'm working on a song that has 4 guitar parts and one bass. The problem is, in EOF has only 4 arrangement part that I can use but I need one more! I need a part for lead,bonus lead,rhythm,bonus rhythm and bass. What can I do in this situation?
  5. I didn't realy cared or knew about this thing before, but in my recent custom I realised it and have no clue to how is this even working. Qustion: How can I set the range of chords or handshapes in EOF?? e.g:in the first picture the open D5 chord appers in 4 frets and in the second it appers in 5 or 6 frets https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2dAm5utc-VcOGRDUnZwcE9NZlE https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2dAm5utc-VcNDNieVhhMElqM2M
  6. Well,I didn't realy had this message before, so of course I don't know what eof is tring to warn me about. the message: http://www.kepfeltoltes.hu/161101/Screenshot_2016-11-01_17.08.57_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png I'm also confused about the "index finger " part. Is this about the finger positions to wich finger is going to wich fret anyway?? I just can' figure it out the chord finger position: http://www.kepfeltoltes.hu/161101/Screenshot_2016-11-01_17.08.13_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png
  7. I hate to write this again,but it seems EoF still not a friend of mine :( The first pic.is a legato part,i don't know if it's imported in just this way to EOF,or this is how whould look like in rocksmith.The Secon pic.is basicly the same stroy,don't know if it's just imported this way or no. Here is the GP file,if you need. Thanks! http://oi65.tinypic.com/29xvi1f.jpg http://oi64.tinypic.com/vrrr4p.jpg
  8. So again i'm working on a new song and EOF does'n noz import the guitar track normaly.I've imported the guitar pro track and in EOF it seems importead again the solo part and a bad outro part and some other parts. http://oi63.tinypic.com/23ih2e8.jpg http://oi65.tinypic.com/v6itkw.jpg http://oi65.tinypic.com/2cz3f49.jpg
  9. I'm so embarrassed for still have questions :D Luckly,i'm not faild at Software Developing subject It's hard as hell(Why do i have to learn Free Pascal anyway? ) But nervermind,here are my question: 1) How can i set up the Volume of the music in EOF? I don't know how,but in my not 100% finishd work has this problem,when i play the lead part it is normal,but when i play the Rhythm part or the Alt.Rhythm part the music is very low. 2) (I know i discused this before,) How can i made the length of a sutain in EOF? Because when i reach that part where should be a sustain the part of it is missing. 3) How can i make a starting fret in EOF? (This is also have been discused before ,don't blame me pls : ) )
  10. There are a lot of tremolo part in the song and eof doesn't import them.I mean the parts are imported,but the notes are signd just sustains and not tremolos.Any help?
  11. So i wonder how can i make decent arpeggio mark in EOF,because i don't know how to mark the purple version or the light mark.Can any one help me? http://www.guitarworld.com/files/imagecache/futureus_imagegallery_fullsize/gallery/CemeteryGates3.jpg
  12. I know it's a silly question, but how i can i change the bpm more than one? Because there is at least 5 bpm in the Gp file.
  13. Again, most of the guitar parts are gone : https://www.dropbox.com/s/ae0xf5duwnbamcu/Green%20Day%20-%20Platypus%20%28Pro%29.gp5%20m%C3%A1s.gp5?dl=0
  14. I don't know what's the problem but i have enough of this :angry: http://oi66.tinypic.com/16k9oi8.jpg
  15. The problem is that,some times if i make chengens in a CDLC lead part and than go to do the rhythm part and than it mess up the lead part,and BTW RS toolkit don't want to import the rhythm guitar part,what shold i do?
  16. So i didn't noticed unti now,but somehow when i import the lead track(or any track) EOF just doesn't import it correctly. How can i fix this? http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=28vq4k9&s=8#.VgxOEstsiG4 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=vmw688&s=8#.VgxOUctsiG4
  17. Is there anyway to control scroll speed in Editor on Fire? I've got notes all synced out, beat is right but its still too fast.
  18. Hi...so I transcribed "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" on guitar...but there's a sweet bass line, which I want to include. The problem is...that there aren't any good tabs. I tried to tab it myself using my electric guitar, but then some weird notes came in (Opened D note on fattest string, but then another sound came in, which also sounded like an opened D note). The one thing I know for sure - the tuning is Drop D. Can you help me?
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