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Found 9 results

  1. I've noticed a lot of charters mentioning that they got Tabs from Songsterr lately. There sure is a lot of new stuff there, since the last time I looked. If you want to extract the Guitar Pro Tabs, you have to join, but not pay (unless you want to.) You've got to switch to the old version, allow Flash in Settings on your browser, and hit Submit a New Revision, before you get the GPx you want, then download it. Then you skip the upload after all. Bit of a fiddle, but it sure is worth it. They are of variable quality with tracks missing sometimes, or even whole parts, but it definitely beats transcribing it all yourself or importing midis. Some have all the bends, slides Hos and Pos all done nicely for you to put straight into EoF. The old version with this loophole may not be around forever so best to download the GPxs you want now. Just mentioning this in case you hadn't noticed or couldn't get it to work. Hope this helps somebody make a few customs easier.
  2. so I have a gp7 tab converted to gp7 (in guitar pro 7.5) but once imported in eof (1.8RC12 + hotfix) only 3/4 of the tab appears in eof I also tried to convert the tab with tuxguitar and either I get the same result or the tab is stretch to 5/4 of the song I have idea why it's the first and only tab to do that I forgot to mention that once converted in gp5 the tab is correct and it's only in eof that their is 1/4 missing also the tab is correct because it comes from the band itself
  3. I'm looking for a more efficient way to use GP5 when transcribing a complex solo. GP5 is very strict on timing for example when writing a 5 notes into one beat of a 4/4 bar, triplets or dotted notes or some other tie has to be used to perfect the timing of the bar. Otherwise a red bar error results. Eof doesn't accept dots or triplets. I wasted a lot of time on this in GP5 only to find Eof ignores bars and the timing of the notes is adjustable anyhow. So has anyone found a way of entering notes in GP5 without error and without ties and dots so to keep GP5 happy and then adjust timing in EoF if necessary?
  4. Brilliant innovation. Some charters may have doing this for some time (as pollo_28 has): Include the gp5 /gpx with the psarc. Brilliant. Having trouble with riffrepeater, look up the tab in Guitar Pro! Saves using RocksmithtoTab. Cheers, mczero
  5. Hi, I create a song in GP5 using a 70 BPM tempo. When I ask EOF to estimate the bet, it says 140. So I have some options: a) Fix GP5 source to be at 140 BPM but that requires restructuring the entire song. Is there an easy way to do that? b) Change the tempo in EOF to be 70 BPM instead of 140. That will allow me to align with my song, but what happens when it's time to play it? Other ideas? Thanks, L
  6. I'm new to CDLC. I would prefer to start spending my gaming time on CDLC creation. Let me start but saying EoF is awesome. To say the least as a total novice I enjoy the challenge of experimenting with EoF and figuring out how to use it. I have a few questions. What language and application is EoF coded in? I would like to help the developer create a more user friendly UI. I have DL'd the source code but I have not used this language before. Can EoF be updated to use GP6 tabs?Playing pointless shooter games and the like is getting very old. I'd rather send all that time doing something creative that other can enjoy as well. All software and music I have are legally licensed for what it's worth. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sly
  7. Quick Question: is it possible to use other Tab Editor software such as Tux?? Being that its free?? Can EoF import that song file?? Cheers, Just a Newb_bomber and I'm looking to make my own CDLC to share... #learning_Curve
  8. Hi, Just wondering if you might consider adding GPX for the import option in EoF I have been working on some songs that have double dotted rests and notes but when exporting from GP6 to GP5 format I loose the double dots which throws things out of sync here and there when I import the file into EoF. Or can anyone offer a workaround that I can use to substitute the double dots within GP6 so everything is in the right place when exported to GP5 format?
  9. I've seen a couple posts asking this question so I thought I'd post this here. A couple easy ways to convert to gp5 from different types of files: Online converter for gpx, ptb, midi, etc (nothing to download or install): http://www.webtabplayer.com/ Directions for using Tuxguitar (needs a small add-on but very easy and Tuxguitar is free): http://www.wikihow.c...tar</span>-1.2) I've heard reports that webtabplayer.com can produce errors in conversions, but I haven't had any yet. Good luck.
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