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  1. @ cozy1 be more than glad to help out but i know nothing about writing code. I'm have more of a marketing photo background! Really think that RS and a Fretlight combo would be a top notch learning tool for guitar. Fretlight/GP6 combo is good but just lacks that "fun" factor that RS could bring to learning.
  2. I got a strat style Fretlight a few years ago, still play it with GP6 and sometimes when playing RS. It's actually great to help figure things out. Match it with GP6 and the Rocksmith to TAB converter that is posted someplace here, and it is a very useful tool for learning a song. I personally have a hard time reading the note highway in RS, just not use to the "tab" coming at me. So I import the song to GP6 from RS and learn the harder parts that way. Combine that with the Fretlight and it's the best and fastest way to get riffs down! As far as the quality of the guitar. It's really not that bad. Is it a high end ax that you want to shred with on stage...No, but it's a great guitar to help you learn. Be it Scales in a Mode you don't know or Chords you don't know it just helps the learning curve. That's really what this guitar is designed for. Really wish there was a way to have RS work in combo with the Fretlight. I think cozy1 was working on something for that. @@cozy1...any progress on that front?
  3. Check on Craig's list. Some guys post services for moding an x-box 360. prices vary depending on location and experience/expertise. For me the only time i used my x-box was for Rocksmith so it was easier just to switch to PC instead, & sold the x-box!
  4. Would Love to see something worked out here. I sent Fretlight an email suggesting that they team up with Ubisoft and come out with a Fretlight ready version of Rocksmith, just like what they did with GuitarPro. I got a responce that they might look into it, or come out with their own game. I don't know even if Ubisoft would be willing to work with Fretlight seeing how they are already working with Gibson! To me it seems like a software issue. I wonder if there is a way to use the cable that comes with your fretlight guitar and plug that into your second USB port and that activates the LED's on the fretlight from the game? Or how about Ubisoft coming out with a special cable that has a extra USB port so you could plug your fretlight cable into and activate the LED's? There's got to be a way for this to work, glad to see I'm not the only one thinking about this.
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