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Everything posted by cacahuate51

  1. all are first sight reads Sounds like a group i would listen to will check out their other stuff. never played the game but yea decent upbeat song the fills towards the end were cool no trivium because bass also doesnt reach that low yeaaa the difficulty gap from the advanced song to this is pretty big hahah. I'll give it some more tries today its nice to have a challenge... hopefully ill get a bit better.
  2. *sigh* what did you get me into @ jellisjenius haha i think these next weeks will be tough for me but ig in the long term itll be better for me.
  3. well two tries on score attack i practiced it quite a bit in riff repeater mode like an hour (the intro/first half the rest was long streaks of single notes so it was simpler) but for bass i guess im not too oposed for masterclass...although i will get totally rekt by ibo cold and others hahaha
  4. Great begginer song! varied enough to make it enjoyable to play and i like the song, surprised ive never heard of them ooh yeah! i forgot about this song used to listen to it alot when i was young. think the lead is a bit harder for accuracy due to the pitch slides never been too much of a fan of judas but yea its got some cool licks Always glad to see riverside!! really liked the tab and glad they used non pitched slides in some of them! hopefully we get some porcupine tree,blackfield or pineapple thief in the future competitions im not too good with bends/ "soloing" but i still had fun !
  5. Hey @ gibbs.wav , Welcome to the weekly competition! Always great to see new faces around here Those scores are great infact it was higher than the champion of the week. Unfortunatley, it seems like you posted after the competition had ended that week so just make sure to post earlier next time. Also not sure if one of the organizers/ hosts like @ Rodman @ Mikson or @ avastreg have added you to the list for future competitions or messaged you. Looks like you'll be in either advanced or masterclass. Didnt see you post in week 472 but hopefully we'll see you participate in the upcoming ones
  6. Practicing the rhythm helped me 100 the lead. i know i can 100 the rhythm now but its late so i goofed up and i havent slept yet so im gonna sleep lol. Again, Thanks cold for the update !
  7. @ jellisjenius thanks for the disentegration reccomendation! some cool stuff in there and ive downloaded some of the songs that have been tabbed here! im surprised at the lengths of the songs tho wasnt expecting that. theres only 3 under 5 mins the rest are above
  8. really fun bass charts this week!! this song i needed today. i dont remember it being in scott pilgrim but yea will keep and play. theres some flourishes that caught me for surprise so i had to play it again for the fc but yea i think its a good 4 or above. so i always wondered why i didnt know many songs from the cure besides just like heaven and love song...i think i now know why. not for me but i'll still check their other stuff just in case something will catch my attention. yeeeess some toto! hadnt heard this one before and was kind of worried because when i heard it on spotify the guitar reminded me too much of rosana by them ( i love rosana) and i still prefer rosana. BUT it was actually quite fun to play on bass. fast This one also made my day!! because i really like blu de tiger and chromeo (both of them have some tasty basslines) so knowing that they both collabed is amazing! kind of wished this one was the one for advanced bass because i really want to learn it but owells
  9. I think thats as high as i can go Thanks a ton for this new version @ Mikson !! i found it way easier to play especialy since you transposed some of those notes to different stings.
  10. thanks for checking out that version! after trying my version out again since i released it i think i did probably go over board with the tone lol .. and yea it is kind of challenging! are you losing the streak on the 12ths? if so, not sure how you are playing the main riff atm but when i played the og version (and its also aplicable to the one i did) for some reason i always wanted to use my pinky to reach the 12th. when i got the 100 on both and put it as a sugestion i realized its easier if you just use your 3rd finger and move frets around to like the 10th to anchor your first finger ( this might be obvious but wasnt for me). I think the fhp does also move ingame but im blind and i was ignoring it lol. ive also seen people use their thumb to fret the 8 meanwhile they do the other notes but i personally dont. ( if you play the guitar path and the 12 note is what you are missing you could technicly always just use the bottom b string 8 instead , I was going to have a path tabbed that way but i had too many paths).
  11. bass sight reads this ones end part is pretty hard will be nice to riff repeat. also first time i heard it i thought he said death star and the we are fucking fucked part is kinda the same notes used for imperial march anyways great to have muse! You put the SMITHS in rockSMITH!! also you said there was no halloween theme but the sustains and choices to fret the notes on bass to this are pretty scary hahah. but bad jokes aside its a really nice song i hadnt heard before, i will listen to it from now on
  12. yay kasabian and muse got picked! *will try others asap Geez...i forgot how hit or miss the slides are, i had to retry a couple of times to fc it again xD but im glad i could still do it on lead! Johnals score is mental grats! I also made a version where the bass has the solo (since he plays the solo) if anyone wants to try that out just for the fun of it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JNXTw18eHQo5rNVn3isC824Qf8ITyoQF/view?usp=share_link
  13. @ jellisjenius I'm not a fan of that particular song either but i think you are reaching a bit. They are 50 year old guys that wear wigs and makeup with fake personas cashing in on stereotypes.. you cant take them too seriously. Also, how is spinal tap not on the same level with songs like sex farm? or sex supreme/sexsong by tenacious d? it might not be for everyone but that's how comedy works aswell.
  14. congrats on your first week @ avastreg ! really fun picks great tab like always from coldrampage and fun song for begginers! this ones really simple but i can understand because of the slide its rated a low intermediate love me some bunny and it was challenging/ the only one i had to restart to fc! really enjoyed it and i think was great for intermediate! glad to see steel panther make it to the championship again! unfortunaley its a song i always skip when listeining to the album but something is always better than nothing! i think this one is pretty simple especially since the scroll speed is slow. I wouldve rather it be a high intermediate song than a low advanced. If theres riverside I'm playing it!!! scroll speed is insane if you go from steel panther to this xD but the tab on itself seems pretty simple will definatley try to up the score and i think its pretty fcable. I kinda wished this was advanced instead of mc since i was able to get 97 on first run.
  15. hey @ avastreg sorry for being late, just now saw your message and tried it out in score attack to see if i had that issue. the em6 recognizes fine for me i just always lose my strike at the power chord section 5 8 thing hence the low multiplier/score but i think thats a me error rather than the tab. Not sure why the Em6 doesnt recognize for you but the F6 does... cause then its not a tunning issue. And if it sounds right then that means you are playing the right Em6 chord instead of a E6 so idk. pretty impressive you got 87% if that chord wasnt recognizing though. Its used alot in the song, you wouldve crushed me if it was working properly for you! haha
  16. i need to take pictures once its fully loaded but im just scared itll dissapear lol i like the chorus but it takes a while to get there. The yeah yeah part for some reason reminded me of randy from south park scene with lorde haha And i agree theres some recognition issues like mikson and kayteck have mentioned with the slides. i think i should go give billy talent a second chance because i actually liked this song. First challenge song that goes mastermode on 3rd try or ever really (but it was less accuraccy like 93% and im not sure if mastery mode is allowed anyways) I dont really understand why some songs go into mastery mode quicker than others. not much too say except i was pleasantly surprised there was a soloish in the rhythm.
  17. Sure! Here you go, although its not completley accurate either xD. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iC9IAVVc1Xy_5oNtCEef7gzqF7nE8rSP/view?usp=sharing
  18. @ avastreg ah okay! I mean to be honest for the "loyal" aspect/ nitty picky things i wrote earlier I probably should've just commented on the cdlc post instead of here. As the one who might do something on that topic is the cdlc maker. Overall, I agree its a great song and im glad you and rodman choose it for the competition. Heck i even liked it so much I tried to do my own cdlc version but the version on here is definatley more suitable for the competition as its actually fcable. Meanwhile the version I have done i currently cant fc the guitars..not sure if its cause of eof skills, guitar skills, wacky recognition or a combination of all of those xD Still glad i gave it a shot though because I learnt a couple of interesting things (atleast for me)...like the song is in 3/4 and every phrase lasts 7 instead of an even number or that green day didnt use a click track because the bpm fluctuates a bit. and the solo kind of reminds me of the vocal melody to house of the rising sun
  19. That's insane! But its great that you've got a sense of humor for it and are recovering from it.
  20. Hey@ someotherbruce , good to see you back! i take it your has your arm recouped from the bike accident?
  21. Hadn't heard this song nor the original before but it was nice to listen to! However,for the way its tabbed heres my 2 cents.. The lead path in this cdlc is pretty bare bones and even though i played it 100% it didnt really feel like I did. Unless, you treat the chords as an archie tab (like r+) but if you do, youll probably get lower % As for the rhythm, it does have more notes like id imagine it but I didnt think it was correct to the audio either because barre chords (f shape chord) are usually harder / more tiring to do for a long period of time so generally people usually opt for a capo. Also theres a arp/ pluck of each note in the chord once dist guitar in the audio but not tabbed in either path So after my first playthrough that made me look them up live There you can see rhythm does use a capo and is doing the embelshments (like guitar man) that are kind of tabbed in the lead path. The singer on the other hand, which would be the lead path ig uses the double stops to make it more beefy (although admitdley a cdlc if it were tabbed only when he plays would be pretty empty/ boring). I know that cdlc may not be 100% accurate by the tempo mapping, fingering, voicing, right notes,all notes or that the cdlc may have more notes than being played to make it less boring, or the opposite and making it easier etc . Also to keep in mind that the band may sometimes play it differntly live because they: Want to play it differently, make it look harder than it is, Lead guy wants to try rhythm path and vice versa so its not as stale, they forget, or worst case scenario mime it / there is no live video performance (happens alot). But i thought i should point out those things from this cdlc. Anyways, For the way its tabbed id give lead 1.5-2 for solo rhythm 2-3 cause barrechords Edit: I hope this message doesn't come off as bad because i have nothing but respect for you guys and its not my intention if it did. It definatley took me long to write this message than the the tries on the song because I wasnt sure how to word it and im still not sure xD In any case, If there is any spot for tester (for the easier songs) or something you need help in let me know! I'd be more than glad to try to help.
  22. Yea thats understandable and you're probably right @ avastreg (btw grats on the victory!) Maybe Im just too exposed by too many people on tiktok that can shred and thinking advanced should be a little bit more like that/ something youre kinda forced to rr. Everyone on there seems to be able to play neon and polyphia songs no problem xD. Like I cant solo for my life so I think its kinda awkward Im in the advanced tier (even if shredding isnt everything) but I digress. Same intermediates are usually 3 to 5 plays for 95-100 which is around what i did ish and why i considered it that. heck i remember playing rize of the pheonix a while back against @ Rodman like 16 times xD and that was considered intermediate...i feel like that song is harder than guitarman but maybe its not..id have to replay them both again now. Also, I generally tend to not stress that much with cdlcs where c.a.g.e.d type chords have embelishments/ adds as they tend to be very hit or miss/random detection alot for me .. anything above 90% usually is good enough for me in those cases ( or if it sounds decent without the track). But I'm probably in the wrong for believing that.
  23. Great tune, I really enjoyed it ! I would consider this song an intermediate song for both rhythm and lead though (i know im a bit late). Mostly cause its just a G C D song and thats like the first campfire/ fake guitaring progression seen in many songs( joker steve miller, la bamba, barbra ann beach house boys etc) . Int over beginner because of the embeleshments and the descending chord progression but nothing imo that would make it advanced. Regardless its still a great song that ill keep and play! This song on the other hand i think is a good low advanced choice Im not sure if its actually hard or not because on paper it seems simple... but my brain refused to play the riff and wanted to play hysteria by deff leppard each time that c shape chord happened (so there may be some difficulty biasim here). it has a couple of sections and Its nice that it has a solo..not too complex but it has one .So it was fun to have a song that requires multiple retries (for me)
  24. Hey@ LacrimaLuna ! I'm just a particapant in the competition and its always good to see new people joining! the more the merrier I havent seen you post in the more recent competitions so im not sure if your question has been answered or not. Yes! you can submit your suggestions over here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HzgY90kLwyGqzJ-R64v8lmpeQMMhhxwGwUlenepIgms/edit#gid=6 just scroll down to the next empty cells and fill out the information. The team is always looking for good easy begginner choices. I think begginer songs are usually a combination of some of these elements ; repetetitve, few different sections, mostly single notes, few to none string changes, not that many chords, probably more power chords focused rather than c, a, g, e, d/ variation chords, rarely a solo but if there is one its usually repeatable good examples imo from older competitions would be uncool as me-bloodhound gang whats up 4 blondes (i think theres like 4 chords), bad reputation joan jett flyaway lenny kravits etc there is definatley a spreadsheat with all of the begginer songs but im unsure of where it is... i personally added begginner lead songs from previous competitions here in this spotify list maybe itll interest you I started out in begginer aswell cause the week i joined begginer seemed pretty hard to me and slowly ive gone up. Its been fun imo! Its a neat way to challenge yourself to play different songs and actually try to play them decently. Just go at your pace, Practice with the riff repeater if areas are troubling you...and most importantly have fun! Hope this answered your questions, and look forward to seeing you in future competitions edit: My bad I thought it said august 2022 not 2021 XD
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