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Everything posted by MadMaxx

  1. i actually let EOF always auto-generate frethand position but i have a self made chordshapes.xml hm not sure why you get less frethand positions, those are all single notes. edit: if i use ctrl+shift+f i get 702 positions. edit2: tried it with the default chordshapes.xml and i get 321 positions hmmmm
  2. already did something similar just take a look at the modified xml or the picture in the folder, thats how it looks in the game. chord ID 17 is the chordshape from the xml snippet from maveth. but ill give it again a try do we have access to those lessons xml files? edit: tried it again now like you said but still the same result as the picture that i added in the folder that i uploaded. <anchor time="172.542" fret="15" width="4.000"/>this is basically what you see on the picture, starting from fret 15 a width of 4 frets, the problem is that the blue walls should start from 12 with a width of 4 that would include the 15
  3. Here is the .eof file http://www.sendspace.com/file/euejw7 the tapping sections are in BASS_22 and Guitar_22 and start at bar 107 i also started to manual edit the xml of Bass_22 but you can see the result in the screenshot in the archive that i uploaded. I also added the edited xml file, i think the problem is the anchor part because the blue wall is already there. the problem is that the frethand does anchor at 12 but the first tap starts already at 15, too bad that the code snippet from Maveth is sadly incomplete.
  4. that fret3="1" is really strange i sadly dont understand what part of the xml i would need to modify to try it out. If you want i can send you an eof file with a long tapping saction and you can then modify the xml or tell me what i need to change.
  5. r1314 seems to work nice raynebc, i deleted the manual edited xml files and used r1314 to generate fresh ones and in the game the frethand mutes are show now like with the manual edited xml files. Big thanks. different question, i remember that a few month ago Maveth was talking in the old EOF thread about the tapping technique. If i use in EOF the ctrl+T shortcut i can set a note as tap and thats fine but the game seems to support some sort of highlighting sections with tap techniques similar to arpeggios when marking chunks of chords as arpeggios. Was it discovered how chunks of notes with tap can be marked as tapped saction/phrase? The discussion there is around post #2290 and at post #2293 there is a picture of what i mean, basically the chunk of notes is inside the two blue walls
  6. I dont have at the moment one but ll upload one if i get a broken package again. The last one happened a few days ago but i havent used the toolkit now for a few days, i have to finish first the song that im working at the moment. Its kind of strange to see here so many customs creators registered with only a few people giving feedback. It would be good to see how many are actually effected by the issue, that way we could figure it out maybe faster....
  7. so Alex do you guys still need broken packages or do you have enough?
  8. yeah the chord template with the fingerings is needed. I modified again the xml manually and after i added the fingerings in the chord template the game does show the fingerings for every frethand mute especially the repeats after hitting the first frethand mute. This is what i modified, basically i replaced the -1 with the 4 (pinky finger) <chordTemplate chordName="" displayName="" finger0="4" finger1="4" finger2="4" finger3="-1" finger4="-1" finger5="-1" fret0="4" fret1="4" fret2="4" fret3="-1" fret4="-1" fret5="-1"/>
  9. Using Update SNG is only a workaround and does not really fix the problem in the first place. I usually always use the latest revision of the toolkit and it does still happen to me. Now if Update SNG does really fix the package maybe its a good idea to let the toolkit run after hitting on generate at the end of the process also automatically a Update SNG to make sure that the outputted file does not get the bug.
  10. ok i removed the frethand mute signs, selected the first chord, hit f and entered the fingerings, now i used N and muted the strings and as the last thing i hit T to mark them as crazy. similar things for the other frethand muted chords after the first one, i removed first the frethand mute sign, hit f and entered the fingering, hit N and checked mute. but after saving in the xml file the chordshape does still have the fingers written with -1 <chordTemplate chordName="" displayName="" finger0="-1" finger1="-1" finger2="-1" finger3="-1" finger4="-1" finger5="-1" fret0="4" fret1="4" fret2="4" fret3="-1" fret4="-1" fret5="-1"/>its strange, if i remove the mute and hit f to see if the fingerings are still there, they are still there. Here is the modified .eof http://www.sendspace.com/file/alqcs3 Besides that maybe you should change in EOF the X, for example when using shift+x show in the highway a big X and when using ctrl+x show it with a small x or you can change the color and so on.
  11. That worked thanks So it looks like the only way to give that frethand muted chord that is marked as crazy a handshape is to edit the handshape in the xml right (chord ID 3)? Edit: yep that works too. If i edit chord ID 3 and write a 4 all the frethand mutes get in the game a handshape with a 4 (pinky), thats exaclty how how i wanted it to be in the first place. <chordTemplate chordName="" displayName="" finger0="4" finger1="4" finger2="4" finger3="-1" finger4="-1" finger5="-1" fret0="4" fret1="4" fret2="4" fret3="-1" fret4="-1" fret5="-1"/>still i think that it would be good to enter that using F in eof instead of always have to edit the xml.
  12. By design, completely fret hand muted chords are appended to the previous chord's handshape tag (unless the fret hand muted chords are preceded by single notes). To force a new handshape tag on any chord, apply "crazy" status (select it and press T). I cant get it sorted out with marked as crazy, the issue still stays. I uploaded you a package with the xml files, eof file a picture how it looks in the game and the file for the game maybe you can tell me what went wrong with it. If you look at the picture the frethand mutes get recognized as palm muted but they are not palm muted besides that the frethand mutes have in the game the same shape as that chord before the frethand mutes. btw. i removed the unpitched slide from that chord in the picture because i thought that the issue could be caused by that but still no luck. Here is the file. The password is your username. The issue starts around 120 seconds into the song and repeats. http://www.sendspace.com/file/7ittiz Edit: it looks like the small X in the game means that its a frethand mute, but still if you look at the picture in the game it looks like you strum first the 2/4/4 chord and then frethand mute that shape but thats not how its charted, i charted it as first the 2/4/4 and then the frethand mutes over 4/4/4. Im expecting the game to show me the gems with the white x over string EAD at fret 4 and not that chord repeate shape.
  13. i have an issue with frethand mutes. How do i give it a handshape if its a chord? if i select all chords that are frethand muted and hit F and enter the handshape the mute (x sign) goes away and they are shown in eof as regular chords. If i enter nothing and let eof do add the handshape in the xml the fingerings are all -1 and in the game they get the handshape from the chord before the frethand mute and dont get displayed with a white x. funny thing is that in the lead arrangement there is a part where before the frethand mutes there is only one note and there it works, the frethand mutes are displayed in the game as frethand mutes. The chord before the frethand mutes is a 2/4/4 (F#5) and the frethand mute is a 4/4/4. The frethand mute gets the frethand shape of the F#5, does eof think that its the same shape? The song is in E Standard. Is there some sort of E stardard to Drop D bug. Here is the .eof http://www.sendspace.com/file/9tk91z Frethand mutes start at measure 75 in the Rhythm arr. All frethand mutes in this arr get in the game the handshape of the F#5 chord. In the lead arr at measure 113 the frethand mutes work in the game
  14. I think that its probably better to take all grid snap values in consideration, if a note fails to be grid snapped to one of those values display it. Additional a second setting that does that only based on the current selected grid snap could be also possible. The vertical position line was just a quick though from me. Highlighting is fine as long as its good visible.
  15. Great addition thanks, the lines can now be used like a ruler to beat sync even more precise, 1/48 looks funny :grin:. I wonder if it its somehow possible to show notes that are desynced from the grid and need to be resnapped again. every note does have in eof on the G string that grey vertical line maybe it could be colored red if the note is not snapped to the grid. Maybe it could be done with a manual check from the user in Edit->Grid->check notes, if selected by the user eof does go through the track/s and shows what notes are not snapped. Its just a thought.
  16. Well i sadly have to confirm that those endless loops still happen. edb618f401d6
  17. besides that its easier to add the missing measures at the beginning of the song in the gp file itself. right mouse click -> add measures-> add before current position in guitar pro its even easier, right mouse and add measure.
  18. Is it the same arrangement that was not working before the fix?
  19. Thanks for the info i always fill the empty fields before generating, that why i have never noticed it.
  20. Thats a big update :mrgreen:as always thanks for your hard work raynebc.
  21. Well you are right and i dont see an issue with that philosophy because when you download a new version of the toolkit as default all platforms are checked anyway. But if i dont like to have all platforms checked i just go up there and uncheck what i dont like. The good thing about the config manager is that you dont have to do that over and over again. Then there is probably a bug because with edb618f401d6 the version field is empty after i add an arrangement.
  22. Thanks for adding the config manager. @@fabianosan i noticed if i set in the config manager a value of 1.0 as a scroll speed value that when i want to add an arrangement in the creator tab the scroll speed does have the value missing. Visually its full to the right but the 1.0 is missing, if i manually scroll it to the left and then back to the right 1.0 is displayed. In the config manager tab it would also be nice to been able to have the platform check boxes there too that way we can select a default platform instead of having them all checked. Would it be possible to have in the config manager tab a field where we can enter a default version number?
  23. That is ok especially if you need more than the 4 arrangements and need to use a second .eof file in the same folder.
  24. btw. we had several month ago a small discussion about EOF export to GP files with the thoughts that a GP file does not support a lot of beat changes. I came across a few days ago on one GP file that had BPM changes on nearly every main beat Just for the case here is the tab if you want to take a look at it http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/s/slayer/divine_intervention_guitar_pro.htm who knows maybe some day........ :mrgreen:
  25. I couldn't reproduce this. If you find a way to do so, please let me know. I think i was able to reproduce it, here is the .eof www.sendspace.com/file/dfp9qp I think that the issue is kind of related to when using the second Piano roll. Just have PART_REAL_GUITAR on one highway and PART_REAL_GUITAR_22 If you go now to 1:42 the solo starts in PART_REAL_GUITAR, if you hit f4 the tech notes wont show up, the will appear and directly disappear. If you disable now the second Piano roll tech mode will work normal and the tech notes will be visible. If you have on both Piano rolls the same track tech mode will work too.
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