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Everything posted by MonstaS4

  1. Happy belated birthday Diddie17! I think i can milk another few fractions of a percent out of this one. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/jzw1mk4xvbtexn5/221680_2015-12-28_00001.png?dl=0
  2. Not a tune i'd go out of my way to listen to but surprisingly fun to play. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/npmire27573lkd8/221680_2015-12-27_00001.png?dl=0 I'll be giving Alice a nudge too this week. I can remember playing air guitar to this back in the day when i was a youngster!
  3. I hope everyone had a relaxing Christmas! Seeing the bushfires we've had here over the past few weeks makes you realise how quickly life can change. 12 houses were burnt down about a week ago 20kms from my house, then on Christmas Day a massive fire about 200kms away which had already been burning for 5 days flared up due to high winds and demolished 100+ houses. Damn you mother nature :angry: Really struggling with the speed of the intro and the final riff I just can't get....it sounds terrible. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/cp85r6ksuyd10bd/221680_2015-12-26_00001.png?dl=0
  4. No chance of a white christmas here. It's been >30degC here all week and today hit 41degC. This weeks effort: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/c6hryfg84f4dzmi/221680_2015-12-19_00003.png?dl=0
  5. Target hit! :D It appears Dropbox is being a biatch, so here is another link if the image doesn't show below: http://s781.photobucket.com/user/MonstaS4/media/221680_2015-12-12_00003_zps91cum8c0.png.html http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hf278fm76fxb5do/221680_2015-12-12_00003.png?dl=0
  6. Getting closer to my target: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/brjx0hgyv1s30aw/221680_2015-12-12_00001.png?dl=0
  7. I've had this in my collection for a few months but never really spent any time trying to learn it *properly*. Firstly, my untrained ears tell me the second note (B string 7th fret) should start on the 6th fret, then bend up to the 7th. Anyone else notice this?? Target of 98%+ on this one. Here is a start on it: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/n98ujhxudq6s9i0/221680_2015-12-06_00001.png?dl=0
  8. I'm not quick enough to nail that solo. Great tune though! http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/116w94mezhqgf82/221680_2015-12-05_00001.png?dl=0
  9. No chance of catching @@Mortalo on this one. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lyhnrfoy6z8fg6x/221680_2015-12-01_00003.png?dl=0
  10. Good exercise in speed and stamina. Pity I'm shite at both of them :) http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/t0gnddo29ftgoxy/221680_2015-11-22_00001.png?dl=0
  11. A little better, but not enough to alter the placings. I tried 5 or so times after this but keep getting random misses. Could be operator error though..... http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/bzeqrpar9hahi1z/221680_2015-11-21_00001.png?dl=0 And happy birthday @@franfit! Remember, growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional. Rock on!
  12. Good chord practice. Still can't hit that damn C cleanly and consistently though. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/v0grypxveofv6g5/221680_2015-11-17_00001.png?dl=0
  13. Starting to sound OK. That's it for me though this week, not enough time to catch Rman. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/qqcwty60s30xj2e/221680_2015-11-14_00001.png?dl=0
  14. This is a start I guess..... http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/fx92eo3m7og3uyj/221680_2015-11-10_00002.png?dl=0 ....and The Offspring http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/bnv7h8380zmcfnp/221680_2015-11-10_00003.png?dl=0
  15. Wow! :blink: La Sera is gonna take a LOT of work. Plenty of chords and octives that i've never practiced. On the other hand, great to see The Offspring song i picked but missed playing in the comp because I was on holidays as the Da Capo challenge. And finally, it sucks being 10+ hours ahead of most of you guys and gals. With the cut-off time for the week in the middle of the night for me, i've got no chance to fight back when all the 'late mail' comes in. I guess i'll just have to suck it up and try a little harder during the week. :D
  16. I'm lacking time to push this one any further. Bring on next week! http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/vte7ut31a3ebmlx/221680_2015-11-07_00002.png?dl=0 And great playing @@Gamut & @@firekorn. Gives intermediate hacks like me something to aspire to.
  17. Small + http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lfw5rf8ch9nntrs/221680_2015-11-02_00001.png?dl=0
  18. Not a bad tune. So far..... http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/cvz4ub3c723n0mc/221680_2015-11-01_00001.png?dl=0
  19. Much better! No more pesky crosses. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/89whew1ejj2lt52/221680_2015-10-31_00004.png?dl=0
  20. Back at work this week after a month off sucks! I haven't had much opportunity to play this week but this is my best so far. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/s52khk85x54rhyo/221680_2015-10-30_00002.png?dl=0
  21. Note recognition seems to be my biggest foe with this one. There seems to be a definite sweet spot when tuning. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy97/MonstaS4/221680_2015-10-24_00001_zpsalh4lx4a.png Anyone else using dropbox to host images? When using the "share link" function in here it now just comes up with a broken link. Was working fine until yesterday??
  22. Happy Birthday @@Mortalo! Hope you have an awesome day :beer:
  23. Lovin' the "Nacho chart" of SOAD - plays much nicer than the original. I got low 80's% on the first few run through's then after a little RR, come up with this: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/aq025kk3qmerqcd/221680_2015-10-20_00002.png?dl=0
  24. This is all I've got with only one day of practice. Those chords at the start seem to trip me up. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/g33fzztqkaubon5/221680_2015-10-17_00003.png?dl=0 And because it was my pick, beg lead: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/l9hdc4wc9w0kpzw/221680_2015-10-16_00001.png?dl=0
  25. Happy birthday @! Only a couple of days between us.....I too am the grand age of 41. Enjoy your day :beer:
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