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Everything posted by Olorin

  1. Is there a Official Song/CDLC out there with vib. waves that are diffrent to us? because if there would be even one damn song, than we could maybe get it.
  2. ^^ but i try it and post the file here ^^ that someone can confirm it or say this was just luck xD
  3. Where did u find this vibrato xml? i think about to change it there maybe it will help out a little bit!?But another interesting thing happen right know. With your file i allready could go up to a value of 620.can u confirm that for me?https://www.dropbox.com/s/ldje9kqp4rhm6bj/Rhythm%20Test_RS2%20%20up%20to%20620.xml
  4. :eek: why in da hell in never thought about this way :mrgreen: but thx a lot maybe i found some time to testing around.
  5. could you give me those files? i try to make one work for my own but somehow my damn rs crashed after tuning everytime xD but only by those testing file.
  6. What do u mean with create guitar notes? You mean a program that use the input of your guitar and acting like a amp?
  7. i still not understanding the meaning behind it ^^ but like u guys see and of course the ladys too, i pinned myself. but it would be interesting to see what distance it would be to everyone. so see exactly what distance this community has.
  8. Madmaxx that was what i planned earlier. Creat a testing CDLC for that. But i dont know why it still not work. All notes was in all vib. values was at zero but RS crashed all the time while i try it xD
  9. well looks like we got a small problem here.1 cable only. well what i would do is remove a little bit from the plastic jacketto see if there is a other wire in there or really only 1 or not. only opening not cut off but be carefull not that u cut something import. if there is a second wire in problem solved, if not then make a picture maybe somewone will see something.
  10. well then i had to say Babymetal - Megitsun easy but fun to play
  11. @raynebc So i made some test. first i can't confirm that the lowest speed of the vibrat is 40. after i put the value 40 in it the highway didnt start anymore. but in the range (didn't test every single value) of 80 - 540 the highway will start. but sadly and maybe because of my eyes, i couldnt see any changes at the note himself.
  12. well then raynebc i will create a fast testing line for it and give u the results.
  13. well what i would do is. pick 1-3 vib notes and increase the notes. like that first note 80 (as normal reference note) second 160 third 240 on that way u see how high u can go and also seen the diffrent , if there will be some diffrents.
  14. i dont know it , to be honest xD i only did it once after i see u ask for it. and i put it up to 160 and rs didnt crash so its all a game of trying it out as long as it fit or rs crash.
  15. http://oi60.tinypic.com/k54efr.jpg this would be then in this case mine <note time="82.269" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="8" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="4" sustain="1.275" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="80"/> in EoF there will it be a number without a dot but in the XML u found them with a dot.
  16. Tell me what u played before and we can see what is similar to it.
  17. xD i make a mistake xD u dont need to update the original file xDDD damn im to tired xD
  18. If u make a copy of the original file and only works with the copie then yes. your project didn't messed up on that way. the best about this is, if you know it works u are smarter than before and u can update the original file in EoF and all is fine.
  19. Well in EoF i didnt see anything. But try to modify the XML File. I Add one small part of one of mine CDLC XML files. The red Entry is the one with EoF standard Vibrato so it turns into 80. the green one like u see no Vibrato. i tested it a few sec ago to change it. i put the 80 to 160 and RS didnt had an problem with it. but im to tired to try around more. but test it for your own. Maybe a higher number means more strenght.
  20. ^^ No problem lahelio. What does we germans say often in this case " to err is human. " or like Alexander Pope said "To err is human, to forgive is divine" My mistake was to feel blamed and probably to over reacting. So we both makes mistakes so fuck off xD
  21. @@Spades Your Welcome, a healthy and good debate is important to rule a Forum. But yeah you are right , i updated the toolkit a hr ago and didn't see it that this thing is allready solved xD
  22. @Spades Maybe there is an easy way to fix this problem. The Toolkit creat automaticlly a Default Tone when to add a Arrangment. So if the created Default tone allready has an AMP an Cabinet, maybe the first in the list, then we never ever had the problem with Dead Tone. Ok we don't have a Custom Tone but we don't even has a Crashed RS. If this solution will work. We have a problem less and in honor of the work from @lahelio he has less work with the updating process of the dead note thing. What do you think, could this maybe be a way to solve this problem?
  23. Wait you can't see it? As far as i know, so pls correct me if I'm talking bullshit, those Dead Tone problems happen because there is now Costume Tone right? And as far as i know it's a "well" known problem. So in fact of that it is a known Problem and we know exactly what creat those problem. The fact that every Charter has to fill out those information sheet of the CDLC, where stand there is a Tone or not. You can't say you cant see it! Ok i had to admit there is one case where you cant see it. If the Charter click Yes at the Costume Tone Marker even if there is no Custome Tone. But then he make it on purpose and then he is guilty. But thats the only thing, but i never seen such a **** since yet. Yes i understand this no question about it and since yet and probably i will never think that our admins actic like a god. The complete staff has has to figure out what is the best, for the Forum, for the Charters and the "normal" users. Thats a huge quest. But like i said, the idea is good no doubt and it will help everyone. But to say i creat a new List with all those issues only because he is, maybe, sad because of some problems and cry because of it, is not the right way. But i understand the idea behind it, it's nearly the same thing what CrazyEddie started with his idea of the "The Tester List". So why we can't work all together instand of everyone cook his own soup?We all want CDLC that have a minimum of quality. But thats a goal we set, that we only can fullfill if we work together and not blaming each other. Yeah i admit i feel a little bit blamed from @lahelio , maybe it was a polite way to say it but like you can see in my Dead Bury CDLC Topic. He Told me first there is no Tone (no problem with that) but i told it more the once that i can't created because of diffrent issuses. But then he hit again? come one thats not polite if he told it once it is enough.
  24. Before replying to this post or the subsequent 5 posts, please read them all as your point is probably already realized. -Spades I have no problem that someone , in this case you, make a list like this one. It probably a big help vor the Newbies that came to this Forum. But there is one thing, yeah only one thing, what i don't understand. You played over 3000 cdlc songs, so you should known exactly what happen, when you download a CDLC without Costume Tone. Everyone who can read and see, can see it in the CDLC Information that there is no Tone, but you download it and know exactly what will happen and cry about it? Are You kidding me? For me it sounds like you looking for a person that is guilty for your own mistakes. Don't get me wrong , I'm not pissed off, but like i said for Newbies this is a good list, but download a Dead Tone CDLC and blame the charter for your mistake is not the right way. And there is another thing, my CDLC Dead bury Their Dead has now a Tone so pls, update it. Sincerely yours The lovely and polite german
  25. So Taking Back My Soul is also out, too. Let's see what the Next thing will be. Blood on Your Hand, has some Tab problems, also Michael Amott use often the Whammy Bar in this song. Also probably no bass line. So maybe i make it or not i dont know it right know. Let see Maybe i do it or i change it.
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