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Everything posted by jaster

  1. jaster

    Guitar Mount

    Yeah, I'm starting not to like the Sonic Clamp either. I kinda dig the look, but I can't seem to find an app that serves as a tone switcher. Really all I want to do is to easily switch between a clean tone and distortion tone during a song.
  2. jaster

    Guitar Mount

    Shoot. Was looking for something a little more stable to protect my iPhone. The closest I've seen for a passable alternative is the sonic clamp.
  3. Does anyone know how this iPhone is mounted to the guitar in this Apple ad ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODmfmUWqlSA I know the app used is AmpliTube, but I have no idea how that iPhone is mounted.
  4. Thats fucking awesome. I thought about this since I got rocksmith, it would be really cool to have them in RS colors. I don't need that anymore now but Id probably still get them just because they look cool. How are they to play, how often do they need to be changed, hows the sustain etc? They're alright. Color fades on them after a while, but I kinda like the worn look that they have when that happens. The sustains aren't great on the medium weight strings, but are passable.
  5. I make my own out of old gift cards with one of these. http://a.tgcdn.net/images/products/zoom/e91b_diy_guitar_pick_punch.jpg
  6. Honestly, they're more gimmicky than anything, but I'm a sucker for that. They look hella cool under a black light. My 7 year old finds them helpful when playing RS. The best price I've seen for them is on Amazon.
  7. Why my Rocksmith colored neon strings of course. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51uTvF1XskL._AA160_.jpg
  8. Something dark. This is too Facebookishy.
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