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About Slixter

  • Birthday 04/30/1978

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  • Guitar
    Ibanez RG 570
  • Rocksmith
    Windows (Steam)

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  1. Happy Birthday Slixter!

  2. Happy Birthday Slixter!

  3. New custom's almost done... saved a couple of custom tones in game... not sure where they saved and every time I try the aforementioned instructions, it says it's successful but nothing comes up under the tone selector box. Not sure where these tones are saved... any help is appreciated! Thanks!
  4. Slixter


    This is what I was thinking, but it felt kind of unnatural to me. I do still need to build more finger independence so it could just be my current abilities. Thanks for the response.
  5. Slixter


    Tried doing a search but couldn't find a decent answer, so I'm posting this question: I'm done syncing a new Custom (only my 2nd), and tried generating FHP. It worked fine automatically for the rhythm track, but I've had to enter some manually for the lead track. I came across one that's got me totally confused on how to play it. It's a 2-note chord at the 14th fret on G string, and 15th fret on the high e string. I must mention that this chord then switches to 12th fret on B string with 15th fret on high e (which is commonly 1st and 4th fingers). Just wondering what fingers I should assign to this 1st chord, keeping in mind comfort and ease with which to flow easy to the next chord. Thanks!
  6. Thanks! I'll give that a shot....
  7. Having some audio issues... Got Bandicam set up perfectly... it even finds RS2014 no problem, but as soon as I turn off audio exclusivity in RS and restart, I've got no audio coming from RS... I'm using an older machine so, I'm not sure if my sound card can handle it. My PC plays the game without any hiccups. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  8. Thanks!!! Forgot to reset offset to zero and add count in bar...
  9. I'm done syncing, importing lyrics and adding phrases on a new CDLC I'm currently working on. The problem is when I save my file to go into WWise, I get this error message: Warning: There is no COUNT phrase, but the first beat marker already has a phrase. You should move that phrase because only one phrase per beat is exported. What am I missing? When I check my RS Phrases (CRTL+SHIFT+M) everything looks fine. This is only my second CDLC so I'm still trying to grasp EOF... any help is appreciated.
  10. Hey all!!! Need some help here... followed this tutorial to the letter: https://sites.google.../site/cozy1cgi/ The custom inlays show up in my path menu, but when I select one, all I get are pink blocks across the fretboard. :( Tried the Reset to Rocksmith pattern trick but, to no avail... Any help is appreciated.
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