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Sniper Reload3d

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Everything posted by Sniper Reload3d

  1. This topic of delisted songs has been covered and addressed several times already by moderators:
  2. This has already been covered several times. Delisted songs can not be uploaded as CDLC on this site.
  3. Already available as official DLC: https://store.steampowered.com/app/509740/Rocksmith_2014_Edition__Remastered__Eve_6__Inside_Out/
  4. I should have added 3 weeks ago, an alternative version: Rocksmith® 2014 Edition – Remastered – Trans-Siberian Orchestra - “A Mad Russian’s Christmas” https://store.steampowered.com/app/637791/Rocksmith_2014_Edition__Remastered__TransSiberian_Orchestra__A_Mad_Russians_Christmas/ Any of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra songs are fun. https://store.steampowered.com/app/637787/Rocksmith_2014_Edition__Remastered__TransSiberian_Orchestra_Song_Pack/
  5. https://store.steampowered.com/app/390389/Rocksmith_2014__Bachsmith_II/ https://store.playstation.com/en-ca/product/UP0001-CUSA00692_00-RS002PACK0000108 It is still in the store, still available.
  6. This is going to sound harsh. It isn't meant to be, it is just the reality. (Keep in mind I am NOT a moderator here. I'm just telling you the way it is) There are a few songs that delisted before I knew that they were going to be and haven't gotten them myself so I know the annoyance; i.e. Free BIrd, and More Than a Feeling. This song was one I wavered on and personally ended up not purchasing. I can't afford to purchase every song. The reality is that you will have to learn to chart it yourself. Keep in mind if you do chart it for your own use, you will not be permitted to upload it here per current and past site rules.
  7. ShinyDitto12 charted a version of death blooms; https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/16813 I'm not sure what you are meaning by updated?
  8. I am no expert on this, someone else with greater knowledge probably will be of more help, however until help does arrive and assuming that you have probably already done this; First I would check to see if within Steam, those particular songs / packs are enabled. Before doing that maybe see if the .psarc files are already actually in your dlc folder (i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Rocksmith2014\dlc). If they are already in that folder, they maybe damaged. Deleting Kryptonite and the Blink 182 files and reinstalling them via Steam won't hurt anything. Side note and unrelated, adjusting the difficulty on Kryptonite always crashes Rocksmith on my machine.
  9. What version? I am assuming you mean Zenithkicker's 2014 version as the more recent version from SimpxShadow does not have bass. I just tried it, it works for me. Have you tried the guitar parts just to see if it loads? Have you tried any other CDLC? It is more that likely because of the update that happened on Friday which nerfed / nullified the D3Dx942 DLL and makes the game no longer able to use CDLC. You will have to use the beta version, by following ColdRampage's instruction he provided in this thread, providing info from reddit.
  10. I was wondering this [you'll have to run steam and rocksmith with no internet connection.] and make a dedicated 'puter to just run rocksmithsans updates and internet connection. Kind of what Jay was saying above your reply. Definitely not elegant at all. I was figuring that was going to happen eventually, but doesn't mean I like it at all. So I will have to experiment later, I have copies of the un-updated on a cloned drive I will have to check and see if I can use those to over write.
  11. This. I, We, paid for this game that we have been able to use CDLC which was "allowed" for how long. People say this, but rarely stick with it. I am sticking to it, I will not spend another penny on Ubisoft again. As much as I love this game, As much as it encourages me to pick up my guitars or basses and actually practice, I will never spend another penny, this game has been a pain to get running and keep running from the start. I am no way paying for a subscription. No way.
  12. Stupid "Q", but how do you do the back up, how did you restore it to that back up? do you have to restore it, will you have to restore to the back up after it auto updates on start?
  13. I wish I would have seen this earlier. I ended up like other people uninstalling and reinstalling several times to include uninstalling steam altogether, uninstalling several other games with it for no reason. I switched to an old pc before midnight so i could continue my current log in streak, which worked as a temp fix. when trying to get the dll to work, I even tried the DLL installer. When attempting to using it, the installer refused to install the DLL giving me a message and saying that my legit game I've had since 2014 was a pirated copy, which further suggests to me this was an intentional break of CDLC by Ubisoft.
  14. This great song is already official 2014 DLC still available for download : https://store.steampowered.com/app/753804/Rocksmith_2014_Edition__Remastered__Spacehog__In_The_Meantime/ https://customsforge.com/index.php?/guidelines/ : No posting of official Rocksmith 1 or Rocksmith 2014 official content. That means included songs and official DLC. Live versions of official content are also not allowed. Live versions of DLC songs that did not make it over to 2014 from the original Rocksmith are allowed as long as it doesn't copy the original chart. No posting of modifications to official Rocksmith 1 or 2014 tracks, this includes chart changes, tuning fixes, or multi-track versions.
  15. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/73lyyonv6vchxpr/AACiI3o4OVbLo_xLYLNWvw6la?dl=0 DUUUUUUuuuude, many thanks. I sent xxbornassassinx a request to make this available again back in April. Thank you much!
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