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Everything posted by Rodman

  1. lil + http://up.picr.de/27635324fl.jpg goddamit that middle part is way above my speedlimit to make it sound anything like the song, but a greta practice it is. I am sure the last 2 1/2 weeks have pushed my playing, esp. my speed and my pinkie more than the last 6 months... yeah
  2. and bass - one tight adv bass! http://up.picr.de/27613651vn.jpg cool score @@missis sumner
  3. 1st try rhythm http://up.picr.de/27613365dm.jpg
  4. getting better http://up.picr.de/27613148hd.jpg last weeks remarkable song really pushed the pinkie work. Thats great.
  5. medical advice: freebirding can be dangerous cause esp. overdosed it can have major adverse effects - top of all loss of motivation in the contest (cause there is no need or good reason for a good score...)! So handle with absolute care unless you are an expert on the topic like @@2groggy ;)
  6. one hard adv song. yes sir, very cool. http://up.picr.de/27612758vr.jpg
  7. Ah that is bad.... In between i to had a strange noise problem just for an hour, and decided to deal with it the next day, but i scared it and it went away for good :) Yes, might be the poor RS cable - the really good thing of my setup is that you do never handle the RS cable for it is fixely installed in the system and the guitar is connected with a normal guitar cable which is cheap to exchange when it dies. I wish you luck on your antinoiseforce mission. (everybody hates that)
  8. -= weekly leaderboard update =- leader changes: @@tupoloflyer - beg bass CONGRATULATIONS!!!! http://up.picr.de/27582572fw.jpg HAVE A GREAT WEEK!
  9. Got me ;) No. @Fripples had it at 6 and my testscore said also clear 6 (must have been low 80, dunno ... in any way humiliating) while Biffy was a 93 first try. I think 5 and 6 respectively is right, easy adv, scores go high cause it is really really short and only has few parts, but from technical aspect i´d still tend to 6 over 5.
  10. I don´t any more, i am using an real amp (line 6 spider 15) with floorboard - and there i have 4 tones (and a volume/wah pedal): Clean / Rock (Acdc) / Distortion (Metallica Rhy) / Lead (Megadeth Dist - Lead). For Bass i have a Bass amp with a clean / distorted tone. Gives me zero.zerozero lag and i don´t really like RS tones at all. (The Guitar signal goes to a ABYbox with 2 outputs - one feeds the RScable and goes to PC - so standard recognition in RS with mixer down to 0 or 20% and - the other one goes to the amp, from there lineout to PC linein so it can be heard (and recorded) over the normal pc speaker setup) Very easy and relatively cheap solution that i am 100% satisfied with.
  11. on fire http://up.picr.de/27576759xt.jpg http://up.picr.de/27576760hd.jpg
  12. bah, who wants 99 or a million anyway ;) http://up.picr.de/27576284fg.jpg
  13. All has been said. Just play all the bass songs you like and post the scores as we all do.
  14. well i think now i got it :D http://up.picr.de/27567119rb.jpg
  15. piece by piece in my new class http://up.picr.de/27566908rw.jpg
  16. .. Can we please all forget this now? Yes we can, lets make the championship great again! - hahahaha Seriously - let´s have a good time and play some bass (or guitar) ... and i don´t have to read any old deleted posts. Let´s rock.
  17. @@Vodka - having a nice too big glass ov Belvedere Vodka on you right now. Cheers, happy bd and keep up that spirit.
  18. Argh... now i found time to read all this, meaning all thats left of the controversy. @@JokerTheAnarchist - it´s a bit sad that you deleted all your posts, so the controversy retrospectively can only be followed onesided, and you are not going to make too many friends here shooting at us orgas for not instantly updating scores - that is done manually, is hell lot of work, and ALWAYS done WITHIN HOURS (!), just to be clear. For the bass issue i am gonna only state my personal impression as a bad adv bassist. Bass playing on a real bass is great, and still i have to thank @@Molice who convinced me to get one right when i started here. Playing emulated has nothing to do with real bass experience feeling the rhyth vibrations from the instrument, i highly recommend trying that to anyone; and for me emulated does not yield in higher acc scores. I know that well cause when i am abroad i always take a guitar and laptop with me, i´d get killed by my better half if did carry an extra bass :mellow: ! - that (the score, not the frag) is likely cause i have big hands, so the extra fretsize comes in handy, it´s not practice, i never practice bass because i have no time ( :angry: shame). The good side of emulated bass is that it makes people try a real bass!!! Please let´s not forget we are all here for fun only and keep the discussion level in that spirit. R.
  19. In case some haven´t noticed: STEAM SALE IS ON. MOST DLC (and RS14 game) -40% !!!!! Be sure to stuff your library with your most fav tunes :)
  20. i think we better post some scores.... (!) http://up.picr.de/27558591ik.jpg http://up.picr.de/27558936tu.jpg http://up.picr.de/27558940lh.jpg http://up.picr.de/27558942rm.jpg http://up.picr.de/27558945ej.jpg http://up.picr.de/27558948uj.jpg http://up.picr.de/27558949dv.jpg http://up.picr.de/27558952zw.jpg
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