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Everything posted by johnal

  1. Finally getting there at a slow speed, this was 50%. Don't log this score. This is 100% speed, still freeze up and that part at the end my fingers just can't stretch like that. May need to try to tap or some different fingering.
  2. I think the encore idea is a good one, some songs just take a while to learn. For me, I am not too excited about trying to improve further on the Santana and Pantera tracks (however, I may get some inspiration as the week moves on). This week I plan on spending most of my time on the Razor X tune, I am really enjoying working on this one. So, the more time I get with the Razer X song the better.
  3. Some improvement, bypassing the tuner on this one. Maybe one more run and then tune to what the game wants, not sure if it will make a difference.
  4. Not quite the progress I was hoping for, but, I will take it.
  5. Was wanting to try this but not want to retune my guitar. So, I bypassed the tuner and the game still seemed to recognize my playing. I like how this one is tabbed, it gives you a little freedom on how you strum.
  6. Eeee gad, I guess I should have tried this with a pick as well.
  7. Having a fun time working on this in guitar pro. I really like that high speed string skipping sound. I have some tiny parts of it up to speed. However, playing it straight through in rocksmith...gulp...
  8. For me the racer x lead parts are too fast for me to sight read (at 100% accuracy) even at 1%. So, I have to make a guitar pro file and work on it there (if I am to have any chance of getting it to sound correct.) Is there any way to make RR use something less than 1%? @@Fandaru I found that winds of change to be pretty tricky and you destroyed me on that "Where the sky ends" tune in week 247. I spent hours trying to catch you and I could not. So, just keep at it.
  9. Happy with the way I sounded playing this one, however, piles of misses marked in the strumming.
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