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Everything posted by NoonyDeloony

  1. @@Fraggle Baggle. Having been on the receiving end of some virtual remote harassment, that tinfoil hat is totally justified :) my camera faces the wall when I don't use it. There is only so much nose picking a person can watch though surely?
  2. Really not liking the new update, automatically connecting my web camera :/ Thought there would be an option to disable webcam in game rather than having to disable it for everything but alas, nope.
  3. First try as Gratis Chicken: Kill the king - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=817289521 Fun track... Good warm up exercise 5.5ish not too twiddley but some nice predictable movement. Which I'm sure was a slogan for a constipation medication used to be... "predictable movement" :D
  4. Not to worry man, nothing a cupboard door handle and a couple of plastic washers can't fix :D :mellow:
  5. Me too please @@Mortalo. I am stuck for commitment to MC . And now Christmas is approaching it's only gonna get my time stretched thinner than a gnats pube. :)
  6. I think I have the tone from Elvis Costello's Pump it up which is a nice bouncy tone and the one from Tool 10000 day's (by someone's recommendation, I can't remember who but it's quite nice with various genre's) Cars by Gary Numan that's got quite a nice mild distortion to it. I quite like the tones from Black by Pearl Jam too. Harmonics sound good through that :)
  7. Derth Urghgle:- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=808865129 As crap as this score/accuracy etc is. I like it, I'll make it good. King Bob did get involved somewhat hence rubbish streak score where his hand was fretting things that weren't meant to be fretted, and in some places where it was supposed to be fretted (cheers kid... probably improved my score :) .) a 7.5 imo. :)
  8. Biffy: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=808567708 I like Biffy. Aside from the recognissues, not a bad little ditty to play :)
  9. Can you just let the section roll until you get to the part you want to practice and pause the screen? That usually helps me if there is a butt long section with a tiny widdley bit at the end.
  10. No cazoo video sadly (sadly? Probably not :) ) I haven't got the gear for that . Happy birthday @@Vodka ... I will be drinking you a bit later... that sounded a lot less hannibal lector in my head. Have a good one!
  11. Righteous smoke by monster truck please ... i can find literally no tab for this and my ear is no way near skilled enough to figure it out :(
  12. Ok. I agree with everything you say. You are totally rational and correct.
  13. Right if you can't take the objective criticism @@JokerTheAnarchist then you really need to take your own advice and "don't get offended like everyone else is easy in 2016". And by the way... it's not fun for the person on the receiving end of name calling. Add a fucking winky emoticon once in a while ... /sigh
  14. I can't help but feel a sense of irony when reading your signature @@JokerTheAnarchist ... not to mention a sense of accuracy when I see your chat handle :) Yes you're clearly a great player. Sometimes being amazing and smashing it within one or 2 tries is impressive but it can also be discouraging for people who do find these tracks hard... I always want to kind of edit your posts a bit when you post "EASY!" in big colourful letters, I want to edit it to "It's Easy! Well for me at least, but hey guys, I totally get we're all at different levels of ability in the game, keep chugging people, don't be discouraged by my awesomeness! I want you to strive to be better, better than me!!" Or something to that effect... You don't have to word your posts like that of course, I'm not the thought police. Be kind though. I wasn't keen on your "Homo" comment earlier. That kinda thing is a bit nasty. But hey, that's just my opinion, you're a big personality. I'm sure you'll cope. Some scores Beg: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=807757827 I liked this :) It's got just the right amount of fromage! Int: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=807757722 Adv: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=807757636 No Biffy or Death Angel yet... It's likely the latter will come way later in the week. Biffy I'm waiting on my strings to settle a bit, plus working tonight.
  15. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=802713104 Missed a note so pooier score, better accuracy, better streak though...
  16. Oo, one I can kinda play :) MC: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=802694183 I don't think this is my best score now, it's from July so I'll play again soon :)
  17. @@RealityPixels ahh yes I see you mentioned your ring finger getting stiff, aye, same here most of my videos my ring finger is perma straight and I still haven't quite figured out to get rid of its temporary paralysis while playing. If I do find a way to get around that problem I'll let you know but for the now I'm afraid I can offer no cure or preventative measure... I know a few bassists use gloves when playing, I wonder if that'd help? :)
  18. @@RealityPixels you will get there with practice. "Pistol switch" (original track on rocksmith) is a good song to practice for string skipping on the same fret and dexy's midnight runners "come on eileen" too. I also use colour blind mode for the same reason as @@Fraggle Baggle and it does help a fair bit. Have a dabble with some different rhythms too to help with your right hand plucking/plecking patterns. Ska P and Ninos con Bombas have some nice tracks for practice right hand technique. :)
  19. first tries on Allll of the bass things! This thing...B: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=799364368 That thing...I: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=799364455 (plat pic got in the way of the shot but can still see it.. ish... not bothered, not my catagory :). ) the other thing...I: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=799364591 Another thing... A: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=799364720 (very fun to play) Ok, maybe not all of the things... MC: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=799364819 Shit.
  20. The choices seem much more to my liking this week lets hope this bug/sickness thing I have will get lost and flob the flob off soon :) My friend will appreciate the Leonard Cohen tribute, we both liked him alot and I'm trying to entice him here to join our online champ band :)
  21. I got nothing. Been plagued by grossness all week so just played stuff from last week and had a jam with Rush. Past few champ weeks have been pretty meh for my playing but tbh, it's done me some good to not just restrict myself to the practicing the champ tracks and had some time to fit in some tutorials and theory... I still know nothing about theory :D THAT is very clear to me atm. Hope next week might be a bit more in my groove. It's a shame because I really quite liked the MC track, I just couldn't get the speed. Work now, Good luck and all the best to the competitors :) x
  22. -1 :( Can't wait to have an MC song I like :D I can't seem to get love shack to work. It appears in my SSL but when I select it the game freezes up and the only thing I can select is the tools thing which kinda jump starts stuff to work again... apart from that song :( I do actually quite like this weeks MC song. Will see if I can overcome my overwhelming lethargy and knuckle down to get a placement at least. for the now, first plays and a 2nd play I think Sailing Man: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=795411276 Muse: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=795411315 Need to relax a bit for the latter track... was simps but then something happened around 3/4's of the way through where my hand started to seize up... who knew keeping the same chord shape could be so stressful? :unsure:
  23. @@missis sumner I'd like to think our CS overlords would grant you that ... it's not something in your control :( hope you can get it sorted soon (by preferably putting the Mac in the bin and getting a proper computer ;) . )
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