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  • Guitar
    Hagstrom ultralux
  • Bass
    Sgr C-4 Electric Bass Guitar Gloss Black

woodyNL's Achievements


Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Good luck everyone on the new week! It is a honor to be promoted, i do think it will be abit (too) difficult so i will play both intermediate and advanced for the following weeks to come for now and see how it goes. Thanks for hosting and good songs once again this week! Gave the goo goo muck a go already!
  2. Finally back after several weeks of not being able to play much, my results for now for this week, Hopefully i will get some better scores later.
  3. The score so far, going to try to improve it later in the week!
  4. Hopefully i can get it a bit better later this week. Fun song to play!
  5. My attempt to the beginner challenge for this week! Going to try the novice one now
  6. 1st entry to this tournament! Hopefully this will do!
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