Am I still on time? 82% on MC Lead here. I will say I don't feel that anywhere near good enough to play these kind of songs, not by a long shot. If I were playing the song without the music it would sound absolutely horrible, and I can't play any solos for the life of me. I can play the power chords and most riffs fine though, so at least there's that :P EDIT: WHOOPS, didn't read that there was a song change, downloaded the original song at the start of the week and only just got around to playing it, then realised that the song had changed. Oh well :) EDIT 2: Alright, HERE'S the actual one - MC Lead, 80%, first and likely only attempt. That was a fantastic song though, even if the solos consisted of me repeatedly hitting my guitar in the hopes that some of the right notes would come out. I don't think many did.