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Everything posted by genobadass

  1. If anyone starts developing elbow pain I would highly recommend the Flexbar. I have been dealing with the tennis elbow for months now. Doing the rest/ Alleve/ stretching regiment to no avail. I also purchased a tennis elbow arm support band I tried playing with for a bit. I started researching and found people were having great results doing the Tyler Twist exercises. I got the Flexbar on Monday. Yesterday I was able to get through 4 song playthroughs without major pain. This is the first time I have gotten over two runs trough in months! I really hope this is not some sort of placebo result and I can come back and start really competing again. I miss the community and competition. I sound like some sort of infomercial at this point, but it really has started to help and I just wanted to pass the info along. I highly anticipate having some good matches with my favorite bass playing ladies soon! xoxo
  2. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/389918106224300104/2525F7BA0BEEEE7C859407272842AE49CEAEC763/
  3. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/387665671599134277/FE6BDC155D8132BA2AE05F036DFC4C2F2F090F9A/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/387665671599134092/DCFE7D940C41D4858AB2B95BEB0D69A170C8B598/
  4. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/387665671585934490/F0EBA9E7A512DDA518288DFA225F8340D3611024/ Elbow is slowly getting better. I'll be back in full force at some point.
  5. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/423693713851170917/71766F80F8A4EAFABD863A96FE2B2F5E7501FE37/
  6. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/423692561620406953/51DFFD1EFC8855883814CC84C1E68975D76B3FA1/
  7. I've been purposefully staying away to avoid the temptation of playing so my elbow will heal. I decided to peep in and see what I'm missing.... And it's Nickelback. No temptation here. Move along.
  8. In fact it's an old guitar you should check the jack, maybe you need a new one if yours is oxidized which causes crackling sounds in the beginning. If you do nothing you cannot get any signal out of it. I guess you have a high humidity in Argentina. But maybe some cables inside your guitar need to fix. But that's all small thinghs can easily, cheap and quickly be fixed with a soldering bolt. Look inside the jack and if it's a bit rusty buy a new one. If it is a little rusty, you can probably fix it with some fine grit sandpaper.
  9. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/441703652716736483/B23D4DDBD586281F7E7E8DF4FFEA990BA7544454/
  10. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/441703148491431173/A8A90503D6F3E024F6193C64ACD9B45B421D424C/
  11. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/441702683986321025/235A54F993EA14A7FE177D684B53DF0345BDA77F/
  12. I am only getting about 50% recognition on the end chords and I never have had a recognition issue with chords. This is the only custom I've encountered it this bad. Either way, Tool is fucking hard. Especially for us finger players. I can't pick worth a damn. I can't really play right now, so whatevs...
  13. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/441701675651169715/F259E6315677B86450ED7BB0D0369D424C1AB418/ I'm back to severe elbow pain. I was playing through the lesser pain, but I might be scarce around here for a bit again...
  14. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/441701256335012481/943B3A493F0F2EE949639C51A743C033ABF93C55/
  15. This is a bit of a challenge... http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/449582392512328992/8432F0AE5929F847C071931664144B38AA76B4EE/
  16. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/449581922340052699/2E53A66E3D4AB5357BF1A130F0052F0296898A68/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/449581922340052481/AC30B0294581E9BB5ADABE5E70776845F6F4C171/
  17. I don't even know what other community there is that we are talking about here. So lost right now with this whole situation. Anyway, thanks everyone for all the effort.
  18. The benefits of Rocksmith!!! I guess I'm going to have to learn some crappy pop country songs.... :( Oi! Sting is not "crappy pop country"! BTW, nobody likes your post. ;) :P What I am saying is I'll have to learn some crappy country for my woman... Her taste in music is atrocious.
  19. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/442826056782046556/07FAB262DAB0ECD83681277AAE66B4D0BB1A5A74/
  20. The benefits of Rocksmith!!! I guess I'm going to have to learn some crappy pop country songs.... :(
  21. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/442825888111301263/FF79A951D5D95253F5FFA3D2F05C8ECC0625A301/
  22. One - http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/442825735538019867/B61DB3E66AA7BA14B37C425D1AB796979DBD6315/ i played the other version of this song at least 50 times. I will get 100% eventually
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