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Nick Beat

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Everything posted by Nick Beat

  1. Ah, I put those in deliberately so that I could break down the sections further for the RR. I'm expecting that instead of having to practice a long section I can then practice each of the subphrases. I have to admit i didn't check carefully (yet) whether this is in fact what happens, as I was horsing around trying to figure out the original problem, but I'll look tomorrow. In many CDLCs I've downloaded, I find it frustrating that some of the units in the RR are so long. After all, you can practice more than one at a time, so it makes sense to me to break them down if we can. I do appreciate the feedback. No, it's ok, I understand about the lyrics, I've not got to that yet. This is just so that I can keep track of where the phrases are in the song. Firekorn's tutorial suggests that the names don't serve any other purpose. Thanks again :)
  2. Totally understood. Just couldn't figure out how to do it! Thanks, guys. So here are images for the notes I was talking about (though, as I say, they seem to work now...; but there might be other problems and maybe it's not really fixed?) And link to the latest .eof file, which so far seems to work though the only thing I did, AFAIK, was manually update the fret hand info: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ldn9m8rkn5gtzl/thebeatleslucyintheskywithdiam_bass4.eof?dl=0
  3. Thanks for the response. Yes, I did originally click on the beats (and put the cursor there for good measure) and used add section and make a phrase, first time around, as you suggest in your image (how did you do that??). Then I thought it was because I'd missed Firekorn's comment that there needed to be one empty measure ahead of the music, so I let EOF split the leading blank into measures to get around that, didn't make a difference. So far as I could see only the first two notes were problematic. As I say, as far as I can see, the problem went away when I deleted the automated fret hand positions (I had coded fingerings for each note). But you do confirm that I did the phrasing part correctly, thanks! ADDENDUM: although it didn't seem to work in (Mac) Safari, I was able to drag-and-drop images to a new post here using Firefox. But when I attempted to post, the whole thing just got thrown away. Something fishy here.... Tried on Windows Firefox, too. Tried to contact staff under Help, gets me an error. Not able to PM anyone either. I'm guessing the site isn't stable at the moment, somehow....
  4. UPDATE: I decided to go on to the next thing, as I didn't like the automatic fingering (for better or worse) generated by EOF, and deleted the fret hand positions and set up my own. Once I did that, the phrases seem to behave as expected. That's good... but if someone can educate me on the nature of the problem, it would still be worth understanding better :)
  5. I was just able to complete my first CDLC attempt using Firekorn's excellent tutorial, very nearly what I want first time around. Did notice a small problem though. My first section starts with the music, which I've labelled 'no guitar' since I'm doing a baseline and the bass doesn't start until 4 measures later. At that point, I have 'verse', with phrase 'Picture' and later on the phrase 'Somebody' (bassline to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, FYI). It all plays fine in RS, but for some reason, the first two notes of 'Somebody' (D7 and D5) are separated from the rest of the phrase in RR, and I can't figure out why....? Any suggestions? Much appreciated! (I did take two relevant snapshots, but I feel like an idiot, I can't for the life of me figure out how to add them in here, though I've done it before, long ago.... on a Mac, if that matters.... I would think 'image' icon above, but what do I put in URL? I tried the path to the file... doesn't seem to work.... My Media? if so, how do I upload that?) Thanks!
  6. @@firekorn Ok, good to know. When I looked this morning, the site still offered beta, but no matter, I won't be upgrading to Catalina until December at least. (I did a reinstallation after my failed patch this morning, so if I understand you correctly I would have the Catalina-compatibel RS2014. Tried it out, so far, works.)
  7. Thanks, Firekorn! I actually had a Steam update this morning (it's been a while since I played) and had the patch on my system, but it did not work. I got some message about architecture. This one works! :) Question: will it work with the beta/Catalina upgrade, do you know? I'm holding off on the upgrade since I'm in the middle of teaching a computer class... but would be good to know. Much appreciated!
  8. Dear Guitar God, [EDIT BELOW] Could you explain 'use wined version of cst'? I have no idea what that refers to.... This has been working just fine on my old Mac, btw, so not sure what has changed. BTW it turns out that Mono instals just fine, the only issue is that it does not add a path so it can be run in the terminal. I solved that, but still stuck. Worst comes to worst I might be able to get the PC version working but still, that's a nuisance. So anyhow, pointers on the first line would be appreciated. (And if it turns out we can't get the Mac version working it would be a good idea to update the instructions... apparently I'm not alone with this problem :) ) Thanks EDIT: do you mean this: rstoolkit-v2.9.0.0-b1c043443-stable-macosx? Found since I wrote this post and it loads just fine. Haven't tried it yet, getting late, will try tomorrow. Thanks again.
  9. I'm on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 (17G2307). I followed the instructions for Sierra.... Managed to run the patch. Then installed Mono, but the latest version wouldn't instal correctly, so uninstalled following the instructions on their site. Then installed, which seemed to instal just fine (ran the mono --version). Then downloaded the latest version of the toolkit, which insisted I have Mono 2.8 or later, which of course I have.... Ok, so then tried to download the older version which is apparently patched, and ... file not found. So I'm stuck. Any suggestions? This worked fine on my older Mac, last time I used it, in March I think.
  10. @@firekorn Thanks a million my friend. I'll try that. If it works, I'll report back :)
  11. @@firekorn thanks for this! Ok, if I'm not alone at least it's not something I'm doing. I'm not sure what you mean by resetting all the options though. Sorry if I'm being dense and it's obvious :(
  12. I am curious about something... I don't know whether it is related to this CDLC patch or not (so if not I apologize in advance for posting it here; but I didn't notice this before the patch), but.... I don' seem to be able to turn off Master Mode. No matter what I do, whether I'm playing the track or in Riff Repeater, if it gets it into its head that I know the track well enough, it makes me play invisibly. I've turned it off, on, off.... If anyone has an idea about this, let me know! Thanks!
  13. another success, thanks! macOS Sierra 10.12.1 (16B2555) Just a quick note that might be helpful to some: to run the command, ./RUN_PATCH_RS.command (i.e. prefix with dot slash)
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