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Everything posted by nlbsmglsk

  1. Assuming you have the devices set up properly in windows, you can try changing the buffer sizes in the .ini file. Take a look at this guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1689646078
  2. Yes, this is an older version i downloaded some time ago that went away for some reason. I actually didn't notice the new version, maybe I should stop drinking.
  3. Ok, the roster has been updated. Sorry for the mess everyone.
  4. Sure, I've got more removed cdlcs. No beginner ones tho... Thanks for the recommendation. Now I only need to find rhythm int and we're set
  5. I'm thinking of something like this: lead: beg: new song int: danko jones adv: boston mc: revocation rhy: beg: new song or nothing (no one plays rhy beg anyway) int: new song adv: boston mc: revocation bass: beg: new song int: danko adv: revocation mc: boston Depending on what I can find there might be one or two new songs. Ideally it'd be a lead and bass beg and rhythm int, but that might be impossible.
  6. Thanks for the feedback guys! As there appears to consensus, I'm gonna change the roster today. Danko Jones moves up to int and the White Stripes are out till next week. I just need some time to find a beginner song (these are always the problem). Unless someone has any suggestions?
  7. Since the selection list is still messed up I decided to share some customs that once where available on ignition, but where since removed. I don't know why they were removed, I'm guessing expired file-host links. I also do not know who made them, but I definitely have gotten 'em from here. Also, if someone would be so nice to double-check my diff ratings, especially in the bass part, it'd be greatly appreciated.
  8. Welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship! -= Week 459 =- FAQ: => How and Why join the Championships? => Rocksmith 2014 Championships rules Last week's winners: Lead: - Beginner: @kayteck (99.59) - Intermediate: @austywells (91) - Advanced: @LuZifer (98) - Masterclass: @Bottledpat12 (99.05) Rhythm: - Beginner: @spineofstone (93) - Intermediate: @Mattscall (97.09) - Advanced: @Mikson (95.2) - Masterclass: @nlbsmglsk (96) Bass: - Beginner: @spineofstone (99.56) - Intermediate: @Daz40 (100) - Advanced: @kayteck (100) - Masterclass: @IBOE555666 (98) Congrats to all winners. Well done! Rocksmith Championship Leaderboard The theme is songs removed from Ignition. This week's songs are: ATTENTION: The lineup has changed. Lead Path: Beginner: In Flames - Varmlandsvisan (3) from week 175 and 321 Intermediate: Danko Jones - Play the blues (6) Advanced: Boston - Rock'n'Roll Band (7) Masterclass: Revocation - Across Forests and Fjords (9) (Eb standard) Rhythm Path: Intermediate: In Flames - Varmlandsvisan (5) from week 175 and 321 Advanced: Boston - Rock'n'Roll Band (6) Masterclass: Revocation - Across Forests and Fjords (9) (Eb standard) Bass Path: Beginner: In Flames - Varmlandsvisan (3) from week 175 and 321 Intermediate: Danko Jones - Play the blues (6.5) Advanced: Revocation - Across Forests and Fjords (7) (Eb standard) Masterclass: Boston - Rock'n'Roll Band (8) ATTENTION: The lineup has changed. Diff updated by Rodman You can submit your song suggestions for the championship here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HzgY90kLwyGqzJ-R64v8lmpeQMMhhxwGwUlenepIgms/edit#gid=6 . Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10). . Classless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police: 2groggy Let us know your opinions on the accuracy of the difficulty scores (1-10) for this weeks songs.
  9. They do change the tempo a lot for a non-prog band, don't they? Also: holy shit you guys use a lot of gear. I just plug the cable from the guitar to the pc.
  10. By now I'm too much into celebrating my win to post diff ratings.
  11. 3 4 7 7. It would be better if it was shorter imo. Not that I dislike long songs, just cut the boring parts out.
  12. Sight reads No comment on the difficulty cause I'm too drunk. Rhythm mc looks like 100% material. I suck at Sex PIstols lol.
  13. It's gonna be a couple of days until i can do it, I left it at home. If only you asked a bit earlier...
  14. The C# version has way more fret buzz Without the quick position changes it's much easier. Closer to 6 than 7 imo. But then again I'm not really a bass player, so for some one who has their positions muscle-memorized it might be comparable, idk. But then again again even on guitar there are times where I just have to look or else I miss badly and reliably, so maybe it's just that I'm bad at changing positions. I don't know, this version feels easier to me than the previous one, that's all. NOTE: This was not a sight read, but after the first one I kinda knew I could get 100, so played it a couple of times to get familiar with the song song structure and then jumped to SA. I do expect this score to be beaten, and if it isn't I'll be kinda disappointed. But also kinda happy, because this is my final score.
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