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About fluxcapacitor

  • Birthday 05/08/1981

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    Epiphone Les Paul/2018 Gibson SG Standard
  • Favorite Bands
    AC/DC, Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera, The Cult, Led Zeppelin, Guns 'N Roses, and way too many more to remember right now.
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  1. I have an extremely cluttered collection of AC/DC cdlc's accumulated from here over the years. The biggest issue is that there are several different values on these files in the AlbumSort field in CFSM. I should be able to edit song information in CFSM and then save it with the new value right? Nope. Whenever I modify for example any given file from AC DC to AC/DC and then click save, it modifies it back to the original value of AC DC. This is rather frustrating; I've even tried changing the dlc, steam, Program Files (x86) folder's Read Only settings to off. That makes no difference, CSFM still reverts it back to the original. Super grateful if anyone knows how to get around this, thank you. **** Looks like it was the / in the ArtistSort field seems to be working now***
  2. I have a friend that wants to dive into creating CDLCs from personally transcribed and created Guitar Pro files. However, he only works on a Mac. Is it possible to get RS 2014 working with a USB interface, specifically a FocusRite Solo 2in 2out, on the Mac version? No real interest here in other connections to the guitar as he is a professional music producer and will not dive into this if the USB interface cannot be utilized. Thanks for any help here, much appreciated.
  3. HDMI is not going to work. I had this misconception for years. The latency on an HDMI cable is too great to try to fix. I did myself the favor of getting a Focusrite USB interface for the PC version and found instructions here and elsewhere on the net to get it working w RS2014. No perceptible lag, it's the way to go. For an Xbox, I'd look into using whatever analog audio options are available. Not sure what's there but wanted to respond as I had issues with lag for years that as I've improved on guitar some I've come to realize is not really practical to play around. With music we are talking about milliseconds of timing to be perfected and AFAIK that's not possible with an HDMI cable. Best of luck to you with this!
  4. This isn't really answer but I finally got tired of Real Tone cable ish and got a USB interface. NO latency and a regular cable.
  5. This wasn't a random link. It was from the guy that makes RS_ASIO's GitHub...I had asked about CDLC not working and he pointed me to that Reddit thread for the fix. https://github.com/mdias/rs_asio/issues/306 https://www.reddit.com/r/rocksmith/comments/xblbit/people_are_claiming_that_a_new_patch_is_out_that/ He also released a fix for RS_ASIO that should work without rolling back the update I think but have not tried this. I should have been more clear in my original post. This was all a very legit source. However, I don't think there's actually a fix yet, seems like it would be spreading pretty quickly.
  6. So I created a Discord account and when I click that link to the new dll all I get is this: I've never used Discord before. Am I missing something setup wise or is that link to the new DLL just trash?
  7. https://discord.com/channels/238233332511539200/739931229675192480/1018468151094169600 That link came from here:
  8. Just tried that. Still sees them in Play a Song but still just sit there at the amplifiers with the ability to play the guitar but the song never loads and starts and I have to ALT-F4 out of RS.
  9. Assuming it's not the update or other fuckery like that, does anyone have problems with CDLC and RS_ASIO?
  10. I can't get CLDC to work on a new RS2014 install. This happened on a fresh install a few months ago. I had to Repair them all in CSFM. I did that again and they still won't load they sit there and hang after the tuner, you get audio and can play your guitar....but the song never loads and starts. I did the "justincaseyouneedit" beta previous version because today's update breaks RS_ASIO. Is there something else I can try besides Repair? Wait, I just re-downloaded AC/DC's Flick of the Switch and the new DL wouldn't load either. Is there any recourse here?
  11. I requested this song a while back. There is no way to edit a request. Anyway much later after I submitted it, I found this video. Good stuff. Hopefully someday we'll see this song in RS. The more days I have my guitar in hands for hours, the stronger and better I'm getting. Perhaps at some point my skills will get to the point when I'll have the balls to take a stab at making a cdlc myself. But I still think that's a quite a bit down the road for me still. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s4E2b3kfIA&list=RD9s4E2b3kfIA
  12. The Gone Shootin', Have a Drink on Me, and Shoot to Thrill cdlc's are labeled incorrectly under the "artist" field, so they don't show up with rest of the AC/DC cdlc. They show up after it, and after Accept actually too. I have never used RS Toolkit other than just running the .exe but never doing anything with it. I have it in my Game Files folder which is obviously not where RS is installed. When I run it, it doesn't see any dlc or cdlc at all. All I'm looking to do here is change the "artist" field on those 3 cdlc files to "AC/DC" from whatever it is like "acdc" or ACDC". Only goal here is to make shits appear in the correct order when sorted by Artist. If anyone would be kind enough to guide me through this or point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
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