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  1. Well, I re-installed al the drivers several times. And I checked the location. The driver is really there. Maybe someone else on Discord may have solution? I can try that. It looks like something in windows is still blocked the conection to rocksmith. Or maybe some restrictions. strangely though, when I run Amplitube it works flawlessly! Input… output.. everything!
  2. I think i finaly found the problem. I found an older RS_ASIO log file. and when you look at the 1st screenshot, you see output requesting ASIO driver, Creating AsioSharedHost and it refers to a ASIO driver focusriteusbasio32.ddl. followed by the input and output channel info. (and the file is acually there in the right directory) In the 2nd screenshot (after re-installing Windows 10/11) i got errors. I thought i place back the old files in the Rocksmith directory, and problem solved. But unfortunately that was not the case. I double checked it, and the driver referred to, is there. IS there a way how i can fix this?
  3. Well, back to the good old Windows 10. However, even now i'm not able anymore to setup the input correctly for Rocksmith. This must have something to do with the fact that i configured the hardware INPUT for Rocksmith incorrectly.
  4. but isn't this strange? Wouldn't it be an issue with Rocksmith and Windows 11? I have never had these problems in Windows 10, and I am almost considering switching back to Windows 10 I have a Discord account, so we can try that. but I am not familiar with how that works. but I accepted your request. Only I hope it doesn't conflict with my settings for AMplitube, because that works fine for now Only why using a chatbox kind of app instead of this customforge forum, where you can share so much more information
  5. for now to be sure, everytime i made a change,i do a windows reboot. Still nothing. tried input 1, and channel 0,1,2,3,4...en so on... Also the direct connect mode won't work. but the cable is physically connected to the interface on input 2 (input 1 is my mic, which I don't use). Shouldn't I also use input 2 instead of input 1 in RSMods? that makes more sense to me.
  6. Yes, the sound is a bit distorted, it stutters..but yes the sound output works. but still no input. Rocksmith keeps asking me to connect the rocksmith cable. Here are all the screens of all the settings i've done in Windows, RSMods, and in the settings app from my interface, i also put some screenshots of the rocksmith.ini, and the RS_ASIO_log file. Does it have something to do with some asio drivers that are not found? wineasio, wineasio32.dll (see the RS_asio log screenshot). and i also did a full re-install of the interface drivers. by default it is already set to 48000 sample rate and buffer size 192. so that is ok. on Latency information by default "safe mode" is checked.
  7. Folllowed exactly all the steps above. and i completely re-installed steam and rocksmith, but still no input. Maybe here it go's wrong: I use the Focusrite interface for input & output, so there are no speakers or headphones connected directly to my pc, because i have disabled te onboard soundcard in the bios settings. i only have connected the interface directly into the motherboards USB port. and use the line-output on the back of the interface, and goes directly into my speakerset. My Focusrite Solo( 3rd edition) has 2 inputs. input 1 is the microphone, and input 2 is the instrument port. so my guitar is connected to input 2 on my interface. You told me, input 2 on my interface (where my guitar is connected) is channel 1, so in RSMODS i set the input 1 Focusrite USB ASIO at channel1. and the output also on Focusrite USB ASIO. I didn't try Focusrite Thunderbold ASIO. Here are the new screenshots.
  8. I really have no idea what I'm doing wrong. maybe i have to remove all the RSMods and RS_ASIO files from the Rocksmith directory, and start all over.
  9. No i don't use any headphones to my Focusrite or into my PC I've connected a 2RCA to 2RCA male cable direcltly from the line outputs (left/right)on the back of the Focusrite into my aux-in (left/right) on the back of my Logitech speakerset. I had already connected it that way in Windows 10. and when looking at the sound settings in Windows, i have this: both playback and recording are set to Focusrite USB Audio (default) at 16bit, 48000Hz (DVD Quality) these settings work perfectly with my Focusrite Scarlett in Windows for playing music, movies and also for using my guitar in Amplitube for example, but not in Rocksmith.
  10. Sorry, I don't get it. When i uncheck "Use WASAPI Output", i got the Error Sound Initialization message again. and "Audio Output device is unplugged". When i check it again, my sound works. I think i have tried all combinations of settings....with both inputs and channels. I have the Focusrite Solo 3rd gen. with 2 inputs. 1 mic, and 1 instrument. and my guitar is connected to the second (instrument) input so than it has to be this right?
  11. Output audio is fine now , but input seems not right, still asking for Rocksmth cable.
  12. That would be great, thanks! Focusrite Control software, newest version (3.18.0) already installed. I just did a full re-install of Rocksmith, without any modifications, and run Rocksmith for the first time. I got sound, but it stutters. After that i close Rocksmith and placed the RS_ASIO files into the directory, and made the changes as mentioned in the tutorial above. No sound, and i got the Error Sound Initialization message. Installed Rocksmith Mods Installer, but made not any changes yet.
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