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I apologize in advance if this has been asked before. There are so many related threads that perhaps I missed the answer.

When I use the CFSM I see these files listed and they contain a lot of songs, but a large amount of those songs do not show up in Rocksmith2014. Am I doing something wrong or am I just not entitled to those cause I did not purchase them when I had the chance?  I bought the import tool from the first Rocksmith long ago, but I am confused why these would show up in CFSM but I can not play them in the game.

Any help is appreciated.


The compatibility disc imports original Rocksmith songs into RS 2014, but you need to own the original.

Similarly, compatibility dlc made original rocksmith DLC compatible with 2014, but if you didn't buy any of those they won't show up.

Short answer, you needed to own original RS and original RS DLC. Those files do nothing if you didn't buy any of those


> I do own both RS games and i purchased the import tool long ago.

Then you should have the songs listed here available in RS2014.

Again though, if you never bought DLC for the first rocksmith, then rs1compatibilitydlc will do nothing for you in game because you needed to purchase those. CFSM will show those because of how those files work, but if you didn't buy RS1 DLC songs, you don't get them in RS2014

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