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Sonoma Compatibility?



Haven't found any real answers to this yet. For the past 2 (3?) years, annual 'named' MacOS updates have broken Rocksmith 2014 compatibility - followed by an increasingly long delay from Ubisoft to produce any kind of small patch to correct the problem.

With Sonoma having officially been released, I'm wondering if anyone in the community has made the upgrade and can confirm whether or not it breaks RS again? Been holding off for the moment, as it seems like Ubisoft may not bother to dedicate any resources to patching this year.

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The guy behind the Mac Patch in recent years haven't been able to make it work on Sonoma so far.

Rocksmith still works but no CDLC for now.

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The game won't launch as long as there remnant of the patch. You need to complete delete all files manually to make sure you'd get a clean install going.

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43 minutes ago, firekorn said:

The guy behind the Mac Patch in recent years haven't been able to make it work on Sonoma so far.

Rocksmith still works but no CDLC for now.

Appreciated. Is there an existing thread to check in on, or somewhere that dev is talking?

EDIT: nvm, think I found it: 


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9 hours ago, feelyat said:

Haven't found any real answers to this yet. For the past 2 (3?) years, annual 'named' MacOS updates have broken Rocksmith 2014 compatibility - followed by an increasingly long delay from Ubisoft to produce any kind of small patch to correct the problem.

With Sonoma having officially been released, I'm wondering if anyone in the community has made the upgrade and can confirm whether or not it breaks RS again? Been holding off for the moment, as it seems like Ubisoft may not bother to dedicate any resources to patching this year.

I updated to Sonoma and the game now crashes on launch. Reinstalled, nothing. Having no luck finding anything on how to fix

Going back to my Windows rig 😞

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If you still want to play the game without CDLC, you need to delete the rocksmith.app and verify the file through Steam.

Any attempt to apply the patch will broke the game on Sonoma.

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That is interesting - I use the CDLC tools through Parallels on my mac to edit the Mac files...then run Steam on my Mac natively. Have not updated to Sonoma yet - and probably won't but worst case, I can run Steam on parallels...  ...  hmm..  

And I'd check over in the Discord, but I can't remember my damn password... plus I haven't figured out how to really use Discord...  like I have time for one more type of whatever it is...


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On 10/10/2023 at 7:14 AM, flapjack89 said:

But in better news, that's not necessary! There's a new version of the patch and I just confirmed it works:

CDLC is back on the menu

thanks for sharing, i was watching GitHub waiting for an update lol 

props to devs for coming through in the clutch 

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Thanks to everyone for the help thus far.  I got the Sonoma patch working, game runs fine, only now anytime I am in a song, and use my mouse to select a section of the song to practice, my keyboard stops working in game.  The only way to fix is to restart the game.  Anyone else having this issue, or know of a way to fix it?

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So I'm still running the most current Sonoma and Steam on my Mac.  I did run CDLC injector and the CFSM tools through Parallels Desktop onto my Mac Steam files...  and it still runs like a champ in Windowed mode.  Does weird stuff/stutter in fullscreen, I still haven't figured out why.  Changing video settings has no effect, positive or negative.

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