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lately,i have problem that not all the notes are imported to EOF from the GP file,in the GP file everything is good and all the notes are there but when i import it to EOF then there are some missing notes and it's simple notes,not some high notes or something like this,just simple notes and they are not imported...i tried again and again and tried to import to different bonus tracks but it's not helps...

can someone help me plz ?


I'll need the GP file in question before I can even determine there is a problem. There are various known reasons notes may not import: They might not be authored in the first "voice" of the track in Guitar Pro, they might be authored as ghost notes, etc.


You're often going to have to wait longer than 15-30 minutes for a response, the forum doesn't have staff paid to provide support. I've improved the slide handling for GP3 files so it will import correctly in the next hotfix.


man,thank you,everything is working now and importing correctly,i understand now,i have tried to change something on my GP3 file and then to save as...and then the file changed to GP5 file and when the file is GP5 file then it's importing right and with GP3 there are problems importing.

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