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RSMods autotune with Digitech Bass Whammy


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Not sure if this is where I should post this, but here goes; I just got my digitech bass whammy and have been playing around with the autotune option (awesome btw) in RSMods and I have a question. I am wondering if it is not possible to tune down a half step. It tries to autotune like normal, but it goes down a whole step instead. (E to D instead of E to Eb). I see that the whammy DT has an additional control for half steps, but the regular whammy and the bass whammy do not. Would this be possible with RSmods (I dunno if the expression pedal being at a certain position could be coded in or something (See Edit)) I dunno, I'm clearly not a programmer, or should I just use a 2nd bass down a half step for this? I'd be more than happy to work with the coder(s) if they need someone with a Bass Whammy pedal to test stuff. (I assume most people don't have this pedal). Please let me know and thanks so much for your hard work on this awesome project.

Edit: I found this line in the manual for Bass Whammy: "Using MIDI continuous control commands, the Bass Whammy’s Expression Pedal position can be remotely controlled. MIDI CC11 adjusts the Expression Pedal position. A value of 0 on MIDI CC11 corresponds to a toe up position and a value of 127 corresponds to a toe down position."

I'm thinking a MIDI CC11 value of 63 would make it a half step instead of a full step, but I'm not sure. I hope this helps.

Thanks again

Started playing Bass with Rocksmith April 2019

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Actually, that feature is added in the current version but I messed up and completely forgot to enable the part that would make it got further (the Midi CC command never gets sent), so you can try a non-release build of the DLL and it should work.

Link for the most recent version of the DLL: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/buildjobs/2uxb83jfhev4vvn6/artifacts/DLL.zip

Instructions on how to use it: 
1. Download the file
2. Unzip the file
3. Move the D3DX9_42.dll file into your Rocksmith folder (NOT your RSMods folder).
4. It should ask you if you want to replace the file, say yes.
5. Try to see if auto tuning works properly.

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2 hours ago, Ffio said:

Actually, that feature is added in the current version but I messed up and completely forgot to enable the part that would make it got further (the Midi CC command never gets sent), so you can try a non-release build of the DLL and it should work.

Link for the most recent version of the DLL: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/buildjobs/2uxb83jfhev4vvn6/artifacts/DLL.zip

Instructions on how to use it: 
1. Download the file
2. Unzip the file
3. Move the D3DX9_42.dll file into your Rocksmith folder (NOT your RSMods folder).
4. It should ask you if you want to replace the file, say yes.
5. Try to see if auto tuning works properly.

Wow! That's great news! thanks so much, I'll try it out and post back my results. You guys rock!

Edit: tried out the linked dll and it worked like a charm. This tool is really amazing. Thanks so much for your hard work on it. I truly appreciate it.

Started playing Bass with Rocksmith April 2019

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