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Hi people,

I am trying and trying to put CDLCs in my PS3 HEN but it doesn't work 😞

I've read different tutorials but I have some question:

1.-Do I need to buy the Cherub song with HEN?
2.-Have I convert the CDLCs to PS3 format? (I have all the CDLCs from torrent)
3.-I try to put the CDLCs in differents folders but... nothing!!
4.-In this moment, I have HEN but I have also the original game (blu-ray). Which is better for the CDLCs?
5.-I try  RocksmithToolkit GUI to convert my PC files to PS3 files but it doesn´t work: a lot of  errors...



8 answers to this question

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Have you tried downloading an actual PS3 edat file format to try first? This will eliminate if you are converting correctly.

What version of Rocksmith 2014 are you using? If you have Rocksmith 2014 and Rocksmith 2014 Remastered installed on your local PS3 with HEN, then there are 2 separate directories. Don't remember the path off hand but I think the edat files to into dev_hdd0/game/BLES01862/USRDIR/DLC.

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I can't help much with RS as I don't even have it yet, but perhaps I can give some hints about HEN since I've been using it since it came out a year and a half ago. 

We are using HEN on our PS3 for the sole purpose of playing customs with RockBand3 (we don't have any pirated game) and it's really easy. The only reason we need a hack (HEN or CFW) is because the PS3 doesn't allow you to browse folders and copy files manually to the HD: you need a File Manager for that, and since all of them are homebrew software, you need a hack to install and run them.

I can't be sure RockSmith customs are as easy as RockBand3 customs. RB3 customs can use an encryption type which is the same as the one used for freely distributable files. If RockSmith customs can use the same, then all they should need is to be copied to the correct folder (no messing with RAP files should be needed). But maybe the game still needs an official DLC (Cherub Rock) to somehow starts detecting other CDLC files?

If you have the original game on BluRay, by all means use that 🙂 Not only it's at least questionable to use pirated software, but it also comes with hassles. The original game will certainly create the correct folders in your HD (although again it might be that Cherub Rock is needed to create more folders and files).

To identify the correct target folder, keep in mind two things:

- PAL and NTSC versions of games use different folders NTSC game folders names start with "BLUS", and for PAL with "BLES", but the numeric code that follows is not the same for both

- folder names are case-sensitive, the root path should be "/dev_hdd0/game/"


Also, in case you're not familiar enough with HEN, you should know that you only need to ENABLE HEN when you are running homebrew software (and then don't go online while enabled). So by using the original game, you only really need to enable HEN when adding more files using the File Manager, but not when you are actually playing the game! This means you can then go online (after rebooting, to disable HEN) and play RockBand3 CDLC with friends over the internet. I can't say the same thing would work for RockSmith, but at least I haven't heard anyone being banned for RockBand3 customs, so try that at your own risk... all I'm saying is that it might be another reason to use the original game only.

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The error you are getting is because you don't have a Java JDK installed. We state where to put the files in this post  https://customsforge.com/index.php?/topic/901-how-to-use-custom-dlcs-in-rs2014/ . Don't use torrents of CDLC because you're gonna get a whole bunch of garbage you're not gonna want and most of the time those come with official DLC, which would be pirating, and is against our rules. Also you don't have all the cdlc as that would require the place you got it to scrape our website, which is against the rules first, and second, we just moved over to Ignition4 which is a brand new structure 🙂

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Thanks for your replies. I am going to try again with this information... by the way, I have the original games (PS3: Rockmith and Rocksmith 2014, PS4 Rocksmith)

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Hey @emesepe!

Have you been succeeded with this?

I'm getting the same problem as you. I Already instaled JRE and JDK and it doesn't work. Did you have to buy the Cherub Rock on yours PS3 for convert the others musics that you were after?

Captura de Tela (2).png

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3 hours ago, KillerTux said:

Hey @emesepe!

Have you been succeeded with this?

I'm getting the same problem as you. I Already instaled JRE and JDK and it doesn't work. Did you have to buy the Cherub Rock on yours PS3 for convert the others musics that you were after?

Captura de Tela (2).png

What file are you trying to use?

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8 hours ago, KillerTux said:

Hey @emesepe!

Have you been succeeded with this?

I'm getting the same problem as you. I Already instaled JRE and JDK and it doesn't work. Did you have to buy the Cherub Rock on yours PS3 for convert the others musics that you were after?

Captura de Tela (2).png


I fixed my problem but I am not sure how.... I am a regular user...

This is what I did:

-I installed the original PS3 game and I put the converted files in the created folder.
-Just to say that I have also RS in my PC with Cherub Song bought. Maybe (I don't know), it makes the difference when I converted de .psarc to ps3 files...

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Buenas tardes-noches-dias,

estaba indagando sobre el tema de poder colocar al menos los DLCs originales que salieron en PS3,

colocándolo en las diferentes carpetas que he buscado que fueran estas:


pero obteniendo 0 resultados (tengo la PS3 con HEN 4.91) 

hasta que vi un comentario algo que me hiso pensar el cual cito: "a veces las carpetas DLC son diferentes a los juegos en raíz lo cual puede cambiar la numeración o las 3 primeras letras: BLUS, BLES, etc.  viendo esto decidí indagar en cual sería la carpeta de los DLC pertenecientes al Rock Smith 2014 de PS3 y llegando a un comentario del usuario chappelleplaysps3 llegue a la respuesta:

introduje los DLCs en la carpeta que indico: dev_hdd0/game/BLES01862/USRDIR/DLC

la cual después de salir de webmantool y ta!! da!!! empezaron a salir los DLC que descargue!!!

espero que esto igual ayude a más usuarios de Rock Smith de PS3 ya que a mí me funciono de maravilla!!

les dejo un gran saludo y a seguir rockeando con este gran juego-simulador de guitarra. 

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