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I recently upgraded my motherboard, ram and CPU, since then, Rocksmith refuses to work on ANY audio device (Including my USB Headset (Corsair RGB Headset, HDMI (Nvidia 2080 RTX), and onboard audio(Realtek HD Audio) I get no sound, However, I get no sound initialization error though. My sound works fine across all devices with any other game, just not with rocksmith 2014.

That is not the only thing not working. I figured I would try playing without audio, I noticed my cable is also being detected but not working (it works in windows), in the background, I notice the speakers are outputting a constant waveform as well. I tried tuning it and there is no response in the tuner. Despite the game actually detecting my cable.

Aaaaand. this is also not the only thing also not working. I can't start any songs at all. I go to start a song and it just hangs for a moment as soon as the note highway appears and then it goes back to the menu after a moment. I do not have customs or anything like that. This happens on a fresh install of Rocksmith 2014 from steam.

I have tried:

editing the ini
tried deleting the ini
tried reinstalling the game
tried reinstalling the game to a new hard drive
After uninstalling, I have tried just deleting the Rocksmith 2014 folder of everything that was left after an uninstall
tried updating all my drivers
I tried disabling cloud saving in steam, so it wouldnt load a new ini.

tried changing audio device settings to 16bit 48000

I have tried everything short of reinstalling windows. I am not gonna reinstall windows for one game. Rocksmith 2014 is unplayable for me all of the sudden and i've been playing Rocksmith since October of 2011.

Any advice? Thanks


Moderator Note: Changed text color to be read easier. (5/25/2020)

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