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Feature requests

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I would like to send you some tiny feature requests here for rsplaylist if I may!


1) For normal viewers if they log in over twitch twitch, they should be able to add a request as the streamer can do. The most important part is here, to have the auto complete function for them also. Also they should edit or delete they requests. They are like having always trouble with the requests in my stream, especially new viewers do.

2) It would be nice if we could set the colors of the list as we wish. I add the playlist as a Browser source to OBS but want to have it visible like with transparent background (chroma filter) and red text color and some other font. I could not find an easy way to do this.

3) Have a button to drop one song to the end of the list. In case somebody is not present for example, but I do not want to delete this request, rather than I will just drop it to the bottom. (I know that this is possible with drag and drop). Or if it would go with one command would be also very good. Or...maybe park it somewhere? And if the viewer comes back, jumps back to the bottom of the list....idk.

4) In Channel Settings, on the Requests tab would be nice to have some some possibilities to select/deselect all tunings. Select/deselect all standard tunings. Like Select only Standards. Select only X Drop Y-ns. If I do not want to like switch my floydrose guitar for an hour or on the stream but do not want to deselect each the standard and Celtic tuning manually.

5) A bigger one...If there is no easy solution for that. Integration with other bots like Steramelements, Stream labs or Twitch to be able to use collected viewer points (Twitch channel points) to have a request. Means only viewers, who collected X points via watching my stream should be able to have requests (except VIPs).


Idk that this is the best place to send feature requests like this, but I hope you get it and it could be realized sooner or later.


If there is some kind of 


Thank you: kozaka


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