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Game doesn't register some low notes



Hi guys!


Today I created 2 custom songs. One in Drop G#, and one in B Standard. My problem is that some low notes doesn't registered by the game. For example, the low G# is almost impossible. We tried it with a 5 string bass too, and a low G# is should be easy for a 5 string bass. But the game doesn't registers it, only in certain sections. In the B Standard song, the game barely registers anything, for example, a simple G power chord on the fourth and fifth string, and I haven't mentioned the low B. And this is strange, because I can play Bury me in smoke by Down, and that song is in Drop B, and the game perfectly registers all of the notes on the B string. But when I try to play my CDLC, the game just ignores most of the notes, it doesn't matter that I play them correctly and I'm in the correct tuning. Anyone have any idea to fix this? Sorry for my bad english, not my native language. 

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@@frentzen -


Some questions that may help:


What versions of EoF and the toolkit are you using? I've had some problems with note detection on old customs which may be due to using old versions of the software (I'm just guessing, as I haven't had problems on things I've made, which include G# songs. Check out the bonus rhythm paths on Between the Buried and Me songs for G# bass. I think a few Cannibal Corpse songs I've made are also in G#/Ab and detect fine for me on both guitar and bass).


Do the tunings in EoF and in the toolkit match exactly? If they don't, it seems that chords don't get detected even with newer versions of the software (but single notes seem to detect fine).


Lastly, are you sure your strings are actually reasonable tension for playing in those tunings? For going to G# on a 5-string bass, I find you need a decent bit heavier than the .130 or .135 gauge strings that you usually get, as these are usually significantly under-tensioned compared to the other strings and go floppy if you downtune much below B. I use a .150 for that string, but it gets floppy enough by the time I get to G that I wouldn't try playing anything that low with it.


Edit: Also, this is the wrong forum for this. The CDLC Support & Discussion forum is probably more appropriate.

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Thanks for the reply.


I'm not sure what version I have, but in the other CDLCs that I made, everything works fine. They are mostly in E standard or Drop D. So I don't think that I use outdated versions, but I will check for newer ones. I think the error is in the downtuned songs.


About the strings, I can easily play B Standard songs on my solo guitar, the game registers all the notes. But in my CDLC, the game barely registers anything. As for the bass, you are probably right about the thicker strings. 


I didn't check the tuning in EoF, but I imported a 7 string guitar tab so maybe it did f*ck up the things. 


But I have an idea. If you have time, please check my CDLC, and tell me what you experienced. If you play the Drop G# song on your bass, and the game registers the notes, then the problem is my strings. But if you experience the same errors, then the problem is with the CDLC. But I don't think that I did anything wrong, I created those songs just like my other CDLCs, and those are works fine. 



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