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Help with adding a custom tone to the DLC



Okay so let me explain in detail about exactly what my situation is:

I am in EoF, i have my chart all done. I want to use one tone only in my entire song. (i have taken one from the ace of spades). I go to 00:01 in the song and put a Tone Change there and i name it "X". Now since EoF requires at least two tones for that, i go to the end of the song and add a Tone Change named "Y". Now i will set "X" tone as default one. Save the project, and lets go to toolkit.


I go add a bass arrangement. It comes out as "Bass [E Standard] (X,Y). Perfect. Everything seems fine. I fill out the rest of the slots and we're now at Tone part of the Toolkit. I click edit on "X". I select "Load Tone" and i import the Ace of Spades one. The Tone information get changed to the one from the tone so  change it back to "X" because it has to be named the same as in EoF. I edit "Y" and i put just a random amp to it. Doesnt matter since i put it there just to get around EoF's system.


I click generate. Tells me its Arrangement has been changed, i click yes.


I copy over the CDLC, start the song up... Nothing. I see the speakers change to the same ones, no pop-up message saying "BASS" tone is in effect, effect is still default.


Anyone knows what im doing wrong?


EDIT: "X" and "Y" are just placeholders for easier reference in the text of wall. I actually have them properly named.

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I've been playing my lovely Epiphone Les Paul Jr. (yes, the bundle guitar) since December of 2013. So far I've been more than enjoying the ride and i love playing.

If you're reading this and you make custom DLC, thank you as i enjoy getting CDLC!

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3 answers to this question

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When you have one and only tone in the whole song, you don't need to put tone change because the tone will never change. The unique tone will then be define inside the toolkit and only in the toolkit.


I bet your fake tone doesn't have a cab or an amp which will broke the tone simulation.

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When you have one and only tone in the whole song, you don't need to put tone change because the tone will never change. The unique tone will then be define inside the toolkit and only in the toolkit.


I bet your fake tone doesn't have a cab or an amp which will broke the tone simulation.

The tone I assigned at the end? It has only amp. I also tried without assigning tones and just adding the tone under "Tones" section. But then you cant bind it to the arrangement? 

I've been playing my lovely Epiphone Les Paul Jr. (yes, the bundle guitar) since December of 2013. So far I've been more than enjoying the ride and i love playing.

If you're reading this and you make custom DLC, thank you as i enjoy getting CDLC!

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If your Y tone doesn't contain an amp AND a cab, it will break the simulation as soon as RS will try to load it up (when the tone change to Y will occur).


Tone change in EOF are only needed when you wanna pass from one tone to another, if the song use only one tone you have nothing to do in EOF (not even putting a name in the tone list).


When you add the arrangement in the toolkit if no tone were define in EOF (when there's no tone change), it automatically assigned the default tone to the arrangement. You can change and create tone to assigne them as you wish in the toolkit then.

Firekorn's workshop
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