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Hey all,

I've got a i3 laptop that I am meant to use for studying BSC(hons) degree. It was provided by disabled student association. Unfortunately it really is a pile of crap laptop lol, typical public sector purchase. 


Anyway, it's really meant for me to use dragon voice dictation software for word processing for when I'm unable to get out of bed (broken back, much pain, sometimes unable to move at all).


It came with Win 8.1 but 2 windows updates clashed really bad with a pci interface driver and slowed the thing down so bad, basic antivirus "quick scan" would take about 4 days to complete as opposed to the 5 minute sort of mark.


I bought win 7 and although it is a lot better, it really is just about able to use the software needed, if i need to look something up on the internet or view a video at the same time it's really bad. Came with just enough specs for dragon, so when windows and word etc are added its crap. I don't mean to sound ungrateful but it really is not suited for purpose.


What I am thinking about is installing word and dragon on my PC and using the laptop as a DAW primarily KXStudio looks pretty cool.


I really do need the voice stuff though. libre office will do nicely for word processing but I am struggling to find any dictation software. There is a supposedly a wine port for dragon, but that runs into license issues, plus I've never really got wine to work well with anything.


So if anyone knows of a linux voice dictation app please shout out :)

Maybe some way of controlling the PC (win 7) from linux and use a bluetooth earpiece or something?

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