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Changuing tuning pitch of an official Song, is it possible?



The title says it all.


My situation is this, I have some songs that I'd like to play but I won't go through the bother of tunning for a couple of songs, for example, I bought the Aerosmith pack and it's been forever since the last time I played Dream On (Damn A444).


I know the answer to this questions is most likely a no, but the only thing I loose by asking is the time it took me to write this, so thanks for any reply.

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If you just want to change the tuning to A440, I think that is quite easy.  You might sound slightly off when playing, but as long as you are OK with that...


Quick guide:


Copy the file "dreamon_p.psarc" from your DLC folder to a new, easy to find folder.


Run the Rocksmith Toolkit (hopefully at least semi-recently updated).


On the main tab, click "Import Package", and find the new folder you made with the .psarc file in it.  Open that file.


It will ask you where you want to put artifacts.  Go to/select the same folder you made, and click "Select Folder".


That should load all of the song info into that tab.  Underneath "Song Information", it should say "DreamOn" "Dream On" "Dream On", etc.


In the "Arrangements" section, click on each guitar/bass arrangement and then click on "Edit".  In the window that comes up, leave everything the same but change the Tuning Pitch to 440 (it may have defaulted to that already) and click OK.  Repeat for bass, lead, and rhythm arrangements.



Now, you have a choice to make.  If you want, you can REPLACE the official version of the DLC in A444 with this one.  Or, you can have this one in your DLC folder with that one at the same time, so you can select either one in the song list.


If you want to have both versions in the song list, you will need to change the song ID.  It is the first field under "Song Information".  Right now it says "DreamOn", no space.  I'd change it to "DreamOn440", but the main thing is that it should be different.


It will also help to change the song title so you can tell the 2 versions apart.  That is the second field, currently showing "Dream On".  Change it to "Dream On A440" or something so you know that this is the version with changed tuning.  The 3rd field is also "Dream On", but it is just for the sort order of the song in the list (so you can leave a 'the' out of sorting, or whatever).  You can leave it as "Dream On".


If you want to fully replace the official DLC version in A444, you don't need to do any of that stuff about changing the Song Information fields -- just go to the next step.


Assuming you're on PC, make sure that only the PC checkbox is ticked at the top of the window, then click on "Generate" in the bottom right.  The filename it sets should automatically be different than the original "dreamon_p.psarc", which is a good thing -- if it happens to come up as exactly that, change it, but it should be different.  Once the filename is OK (default should be fine), click OK.


It will ding and tell you that the file is done.  You can click OK to open the folder where it generated the file.  Take that file and copy/move it into your DLC folder.  If you want it to replace the official DLC in A444, remove the "dreamon_p.psarc" file from your DLC folder (although I'd keep a backup in case you change your mind or something goes wrong).  If you want them both to be available, you can leave it in there and it should be fine, assuming you changed the fields as mentioned above.


That should do it!



Following my own steps worked, but not at first.  When I first tried, even with both files in my DLC folder only the original in A444 was showing up in the song list.  Changing the songID should fix that, I dunno how I screwed that up.  Moving the original DLC file out let me play the one in A440, but that isn't ideal.


I think to force the toolkit to update the SongID, you could either do something with the arrangements (maybe add a new arrangement from another XML file, and then remove it?) or use the toolkit to unpack/repack.  Sorry for the complication added there...

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Milkman Dan

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Thanks a lot for the amazing tutorial, it really worked as it should and now I can finally play the song again. This should really be pinned in the tutorials section of the forum since I'm sure I saw someone asking this in the past, and you really explained it in the most detailed way possible, I thank you for that.


And yeah the tuning might be a little off, but when I sing and play a song in E standard I generally downtune to Eb since my voice is not so high pitched, so I'm kinda used to the difference.

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