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Do you mean how do you unlock them? Or how do you use them?


You unlock them by completing various missions, and they get unlocked in order.  Here's a link that has a list of all of the rewards:



To use them, you just open up Tone Designer, pick your amp/cab, and select "Change Skin".  The default RS tone that loads when you start the game has three colours for the amp, for example.


I've got loads man :D


When I make tones in game with alternate skins, in a custom they become normal skin.


Tones are added at Toolkit stage so I thought the answer lay here.  There is no skin selection in the tone box in the toolkit, I'm hoping its's as easy as having "skin = 3" in the tone.xml...  but I'm sure it would have been done by now if its that easy :)


Yeah, I always assumed that the skins were configured/set in RS itself, and not in the psarc files.  Since they're unlockable "extras" that are user dependant, it would make sense.


But I've never actually paid any attention to the gear while playing customs/official songs to see whether or not the skins change.  I just always assumed that if I changed the skin on some gear, whatever tone used that gear would use that skin.


Have you tried assigning your custom tone with the skin changes to the Tone Stick and then selecting it while playing the custom you used that tone with to see if the skin change applies then?


Yeah I made a version of my fav tone with a black amp skin. Works perfect in game (pressing 1,2,3,4) but when I use that tone in a custom (imported from profile) it reverts to the default skin.  I can freely switch between black/orange amps in game, the exact tone that I imported to the custom is orange in slot 1 but black in slot 2.


It makes sense as the tone design box in the toolkit does not have any option for changing the skin.


There was trouble with customs in RS1 when people used gear that others hadn't unlocked (like heavy metal pedals), it could cause crashes. But RS14 seems to be fine, I've never really heard about any trouble with using "locked" gear in customs.


I was hoping that amp skins were not enabled in customs as an early precaution, but that they are actually easy to implement. There must be a parameter in your profile telling the game which skin to use.


It's no biggie, and obviously it won't affect the sound at all, but it adds to the atmosphere of the track (black, unassuming amps instead of bright orange things) and offers charters an extra layer of personalisation.


Plus I want the Star and Stripes amp skin on my Top Gun custom :D

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