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Posts posted by 2groggy

  1. Hi,


    Am I the only one to notice that the bass does not correspond to what is being played in La Bamba? According to the DLC, only Cs and Gs are played at the beginning however I hear a much more melodic bass line.



    I find it hard tell with that excessive fuzz on the tone.  That tone might be fine for death metal with Cookie Monster vocals, but it's totally over the top on La Bamba.  I'll give it another listen and try to get past the tone


    La Bamba on bass = 100%


    Boys of Summer on bass = 100%


    Edit - @@lduperval you are correct.  The actual bass line is more melodic and slightly different each time through the V of the I-IV-V.

    • Like 3
  2. There is little more disruptive to the Championship than a bored FreeBird.  So while waiting for next week's tracks to be announced, I shall entertain the Championship participants and FreeBird Police with my under-rehearsed rendition of the ultimate bass player Christmas song - Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses.  Yes, I post this every year and will likely do so until I am given a better suggestion.  This will take some more practice to be respectable, but there are still 9 shopping days until Christmas.


    Happy Holidays FreeBird Police.

    • Like 4
  3. As a FreeBird protest against the delays in posting the next week's challenge, I offer two items of dubious taste.


    1 - my latest bass build - a 30"scale 4 string headless.  This is the first time that I have built a neck from scratch, rather than fitting an existing neck.


    2 - I actually played the Hasslehoff tune a week ago but never posted the score (100% on bass) because I was embarrassed to even have that tasteless tripe on my system.  I feel like I have to bleach my hard drive now. -  oh wait, I was too embarrassed to even take a screenshot.


    Take THAT FreeBird  Police.


    (just teasing, thanks to the volunteers running the challenge every week)

    • Like 2
  4. Tried downtuning my fat stinged guitar to a#, but the song wanted me to go another octave lower.   Played it anyway.







    @@MaZtoR - That valiant attempt at a tasteless goal deserves a FreeBird salute.  There actually isn't one.  Will you settle for the secret FreeBird handshake?  There isn't one of those either.  All I can say is "Watch your back.  The FreeBird Police are everywhere."


    However, I cannot let such a courageous act of FreeBirdness stand undefended... so I will give the FreeBird police a bigger target:

    • Welcome to Mercy Falls Rhythm track played on Bass VI
    • Custom tuning (I had to down tune so far that the strings were as floppy as an elephant's ear)
    • sight read (never heard the song, zero attempts at RR)
    • one attempt only
    • all taps, hammer-ons and other wankery legato replaced by random noise

    74%  I believe that I was saved by all of the open string notes



    Take THAT FreeBird Police

    • Like 4
  5. I should post a score this week, so here is the obligatory 100% Wonderful Tonight on bass.


    I haven't spent much time on Challenge selections this week, partly because I don't like most of them, but mostly because I've been in the workshop.  The FreeBird police (if they have recovered by the ukelele assault posted above) know that that means some guitar is loosing it's head.


    The Secret Agent Man has been restored to 25.5" scale. A new Bass VI conversion neck has been grafted onto the Doodlecaster to make sure that I have a daily player.  The spare Bass VI conversion neck has been ear-marked for  @@GNat to use on a project in the Talkbass Winter Build-Off.

    • Like 2

    Yo, I'm confused. After 4 weeks, now week 5. How have I only got 1 point in Beg lead none in int  and none altogether in Rhythm? Has my Percentage really been that bad in comparison to all the other 'beginners'.


    Maybe I'm just not understanding the pts system. Can you explain?



    Cheers, Tony. 

    You get 10 points if you win your league. 5 points for second place. 3 points for third place. 1 point for 4th place. 0 points for 5th and lower.

    You can also get points for your effort in upper classes, if you happen to get 1st - 4th place in those classes.


    Your best placement at the moment is 5th place from week 255 at intermediate class of rhythm league. You  had 4th place in beginner rhythm last week, but that doesn't count since you were placed into intermediate class. You can ask to be moved down to beginner class, if you feel like that's where you belong for the time being :)



    Also there are two extra points available regardless of your end placement. 1 extra point if you complete the song in master mode. 1 extra point if you score 100 % in the song (hard mode is enough).


    @@Toni-Wan Kenobi - don't forget that there's FreeBird too - kind of like a RS cross between Tyler Durden and Peter Pan's lost boys.  We play what we want. Better yet we don't play what we don't want.  And we occasionally deposit steaming piles in the Master Class tree houses. 


    FB will keep you working on a couple of new songs a week.  When you want to jump back into competition, you just say so and go back to your previous class.

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